{victor} 1

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henry and i have been together for a few months now. the gang and i are really close and everything has been great, except henry is being really distant latley.

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"you coming tonight, henry?" belch asks, focussing on the road.

"no, not tonight. my old man is still pissed about last time." henry says bluntly, referring to a huge party a few weeks ago where he got really fucked up.

"that fucking blows" patrick says from the back of the car.

"yea it does" henry says as belch pulls up to his house.

"see you later, baby" henry says, leaning over to me in the back and placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"bye" i say with a quick smile.
he gets out of car and walks up to his house as belch zooms away.

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"what a fucking joke" i scoff, shoving a few candy bars and drinks into our shopping cart.

"what is?" patrick asks, biting into something he hasnt paid for.

"henry. he's always fucking busy. he never has time for us."

"hes just being a douche." vic says from behind me, throwing some chips into the cart i was pushing.

"i don't know. he's never like this." i sigh, throwing a box of cookies in the cart.
"what is all this shit for anyway?" i ask.

"belch has some shit planned for tonight. ya know, food and hanging out and all that good shit" patrick shoots back, taking another bite from his stolen fruit.

we go to the check out and i pay for all the food with the "emergency" credit card my dad gave me.

we head out to belch's car, filing in through the door. vic and i sit in back seat while patrick sits in the passenger. we drive off, down the road and i start to think about henry.
is he not interested anymore?
am i not good enough?

my thoughts are cut off by vic wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"just relax, y/n. have some fun" he says playfully, poking at my side.

i laugh at his playful manner and lay my head on his shoulder as we all talk about stupid stuff on our drive around town, with no real destination.

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its dark out. we've been driving around for a few hours and we finally stopped in a park. we go out on the feild and start messing around; chasing each other, tackling each other, and just being idiots.

"henry took me here for our first date" i frowned, seeing a couple sitting together in the distance.

vic notices my frown and gets the other guys' attention. we walk closer to the couple and the boy start making sucking noises and fake moans.

patrick lets out a loud, "ugh oh yea"
as belch makes a girly moan and vic makes smooching sounds.

i laugh at how immature the boys are and take the fact in that these are my best friends.

the couple turns around and my laughing stops as soon as i see them.

it's henry.

all the boys come to a stop as henry removes his arms from the girl who was clinging onto him.
i hear a sob.
it takes me a moment to realize its mine.

victor wraps his arms around me and i let my body collapse into his arms. he tightens his grip on me before picking me up. i feel him start walking as i hear screams from behind us.

patrick pov

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" i scream at henry. i couldn't fucking believe the shit he was pulling.
"YOU KNOW HOW SHE FUCKING GETS AND YOUR JUST GOING AROUND WITH THIS OTHER WHORE!?" i yell again. the girl takes her stuff and walks away.

"I-" henry starts before belch cuts him off.

"YOURE A FUCKING PRICK, YOU KNOW THAT? SHE SAW PAST YOUR BULLSHIT, ALL OF OUR BULLSHIT AND THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING DO!?" belch screams. ive never seen him like this before. it shocks henry and he sits there with his mouth open.

i pull him up and grab him by his collar. i turn around to see vic, a small figure in the distance, carrying y/n away.

"if she does anything stupid to herself because of you," i start through grit teeth,"I'll fucking kill you. you got that? i dont care if they take me away. ill fucking kill you." i let go of him and watch him stumble back before turning around and walking away with belch following close behind me.

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victors pov

i sit with y/n in the backseat of the trans am, my arms wrapped around her small body tightly, holding her as close to me as possible.

how could henry do this to her of all people? it makes my blood boil to think about it.

i run my fingers through her soft hair as she lets out muffled sobs. i see patrick and belch approching the car. you could tell they were both pissed. they got in and belch immediately started driving.

y/n's figure lays on me, only moving to take in air, her sobs becoming more silent as she falls asleep.

"where are am i bringing her?" belch asks, directing his attention towards me in the rear-view mirror.

i shake y/n to wake her up. her beautiful eyes flutter open, red and bloodshot.

"you want to go home y/n?" i ask her softly.

"no" she whimpers, putting her head back into my lap.

"take us to my place."

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wattup, it's yo boi. i'll stop. i really like this story line. thank you for 5k reads! i love you guys so much. i hope your enjoying the book. part 2 and more updates coming soon.
the author <3

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