That funnel is silly

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WARNING: Mention of knifes

It's okay, everythings going to be fine, I thought to myself, but I found it harder and harder to not stress out. 

I looked at the clock over the door. Twenty past three. From what I'd heared from the woman, they sholud've came five minutes ago. 

I curled up even more in the cage. It smelled faintly of Phil and the others, but the smell was getting harder and harder to make out. The funnel that goes around my neck feels uncomfortable, but I've already found out why it's there. It keeps me from scratching my wound. 

Phil , Techno and Wilbur drove me here to the vet... yesterday? It was hard to keep track here, in this brightly colored house that was infected with the smell of other creatures fear. 

 At the orphanage, we didn't visit the doctor unless we broke an arm or something like that, and I'd been a healthy child. I'd been really nervous about letting a stranger heal my wound. I'd heard from Phil that they were going to vaccinate me too. But I still didn't trust that the vet were just going to do that.  Were they going to cut with knifes in my body? Would it hurt? 
 All morning I'd been restless, and when I got put in that plastic cage and got carried out to the car, it had just been to much. 

I rememberd letting out multiple anxious squeaks, and that everyone stopped speaking with each other and looked at me. 

 Techno and Wilbur had probably seen how their new pet was getting a panic attac, because they started talking to me about... well, everything in their minds. Wilbur reminded me several times under the journey off how cute I was, and that I had nothing to fear and that he'd build a huge castle with eight towers on to my honor, if Phil'd just let him to.

 Techno, on the other hand, told me a quite intresting story about an old greek hero named Herkules who made several brave missions to pay a debt, meanwhile being the unluckiest person to ever live on earth. (Wilbur protested loudly at the last sentence, and claimed that being brother to a mythology nerd was worse then all those little trifels)

When we'd arrived at the vet's building, I'd been almost sure that I would get out in a better state then I entered, and that it'd be worth it in the long run.
 Almost sure. 

But going to the vet turned out not to be that scary. Mainly because I was asleep most off the time. When Phil and the boys had left, the vet took me into a room, onto a white examination table and gave me a syringe. The syringe hurt a little, but I found it better to not protest. 

Soon I got sleepy, and didn't wake up until a few hours ago. I noticed quickly that my wound had been stitched, and that I had some kind off funnel on my neck, and it aced on several places on me.  

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall again. Half past three. A quarter late. The lump in my throat grew a bit larger. Did Phil and the boys really not care about me? Did they not mind me being stuck in this cage?

C'mon, I tried to calm myself. It isn't a big deal, they're just a bit late.
Another minute passed, and then I heard a sound as wonderful as if it had come from materialized happiness—footsteps approaching. 

After a second, the door flew open, revealing the vet. With a few long strides she walked over to my cage and picked it up with ease, before carring it out off the room and into a long corridor. Left, left right, through another room, right again. I tried to keep track off were we went, but I soon gave up, and just relaxed in the cage. Or, tried to relax, that funnel was really hard to get comfortable with.

About three minutes later, the woman turned around a corner, and suddenly I looked into the reception. And there...
I already knew that the only reason I'd get moved was if they'd arrived, but it's still a releif when I see them sit there on the waiting-chairs. Wilbur, Techno, Phil. Phil, Techno, Wilbur. Even if I've only known them for a day, I've became attached to them. 

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