If you thought the story would end here, you were wrong

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Merry Christmas everyone! :D


Spaghetti with eight meatballs. A small pile of vegetables on the side, with peas, corn, lettuce and tomato. A knife and a fork. A jug of water and an empty glass next to it.

I listlessly looked at my meal, before turning my gaze to look at the blanket again.
Phil had come in with the food over twenty minutes ago, then locked the door. The food must be cold now.

Here I was, In the guest room of the Minecraft family.

How did I get here? I came here in the back seat of Phil's car.

Not that they had been a pleasant ride. On the way out of Dream's house, Techno and Wilbur had quietly argued about who would sit in the front seat with Phil. Techno had won, and Wilbur had sat as far away from me as he could get, pushing himself to the car door. Away from the creature who'd tricked him. 

I didn't know how they had gotten Dream to let me go. Not that it mattered. I would still go back to the orphanage, there was no doubt. I could even hear Phil having the discussion with his sons downstairs. Their agitated voices were clear in the silence that echoed in the night outside.

Still, I didn't even try to escape. I had heard something about using a sheet and tying it to climb down from the second floor, but I only had a blanket, my sheet and my pillow at my disposal. Nothing to attach them to. I didn't have my jacket left (Wilbur had gotten it back from Dream), and I had left my shoes down in the hall.

And I lacked the energy. The warm spark I used to feel before each new day was blown out. I couldn't bear to be on the run anymore. I couldn't bear the thought of the stress, the hunger, the cold.

The orphanage was waiting to get one of its wretches back.

My gaze wandered back to the plate of food again, and I sighed. Maybe I was a little hungry anyway.

But before I could get up, I heard a small bang. It was loud enough for me to hear, but weak enough not to attract much attention.

I frowned. It sounded like it was coming from the window. And there was the sound again!

I climbed off the mattress and up to the window. I pulled apart the curtains and looked out at the winter landscape outside.

It was dark, but I could sense the white snow down there on the ground, and the leafless trees out there in the forest. Not a life was seen.

I sat down on the mattress again.

Of course I was imagining it. No one would ever come here.

I had time to think that some sleep would be healthy, before I heard a knock.

"Yes?" I said. When no one answered, I got up and felt tentatively on the door handle. Still locked. How strange.

I turned and was about to sit back down in my depressed position, when I caught sight of something that made me wince.

Outside the window was a white face.

Or, it wasn't just white. Its right half was black as the night outside, and in its face sat a pair of red and green eyes.

Ranboo was standing outside my window, holding his index finger to his mouth to show me to be quiet.

I hastened to the window, and for a few moments fumbled with the window lock, before I got it open. The cold night air hit me like a wall, and I shivered.

"Ranboo... what are you doing here?" 

"Saving you, of course!"

"But how did you find me in the first place?"

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