Remember those muffins we 'borrowed'? Yeah...

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***Timeskip 1 month***

"No, it's alright, I mean it. You don't have to pay for me, I can-"
"-sit down and just watch me and Ranboo eat all the sweets? You might doubt it Tommy, but I do have a soul. Seriously, don't worry about it."

It was a Friday in mid-December and the snow was falling heavily over L'manburg. The white flakes piled on each other and created a cold layer over the city and its inhabitants, including me. Sometimes I had to shake myself off so that it wouldn't get too much on me.

"Yeah." Ranboo confirmed Tubbo. "Payment is no problem, and they have really great stuff there that you don't want to miss out on."

"Okay," I mumbled. I didn't like the fact that it felt like they were going to pay out of pity. 

At the moment me, Tubbo and Ranboo was heading to a cafeteria to warm up and get something to eat. I didn't know which one we were going to, but apparently Ranboo had been there before without us.

The snow was crunching as I walked over it, and I was freezing after being out in the cold for several hours, with only Wilbur's junk jacket that couldn't keep me warm. Ranboo and Tubbo, on the other hand, were well equipped for the cold with gloves, thick jackets and proper shoes.

I had no money to pay anything with (how would I have got it?), but Ranboo and Tubbo refused to let me refrain a snack.

Deep down, I really wanted to ask them to borrow something to keep me warm, but I didn't dare, especially after they'd decided to pay for me, so I just dug my hands deeper into my pockets and tried to forget away that I froze.

When we arrived at the cafe, I felt myself almost bubbling with joy. Finally!

I read the sign that hung over the door to the cafe. It read 'The Demons Cafe'.


I frowned. Not only that it was a strange name for a cafe that looked quite cozy from the outside,  the name also sounded familiar in the memory, even thought I couldn't place from where.

Whatever. I ran around L'manburg every day, so it was probably nothing worth remembering, or for that matter, worrying about.

I pushed the doors open, and the heat hit my frozen cheeks like a wave. I started smiling, and took a few steps in, with Tubbo and Ranboo close behind me.

Wow, this place was nice.

The place was filled with round tables with two or three chairs around, and along the wall there was a padded couch to sit on. Cushions in red, orange, yellow and pink were everywhere, and there were living candles on the tables.

On the menu there was almost every pastry and hot drink you could think of. Today's ''special cake'' was blueberry muffins, and at first sight I already loved them.

This was a cafe was a place I'd return to, I could already feel it now.

"Ranboo, you really weren't exaggerating, this place is gorgeous!" Tubbo exclaimed excitedly and marched up to the counter where you could order. He grinend. "Time to choose between the dishes of heaven."

After some back and forth between each other about what would be best, the three of us chose a hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin, and then Tubbo wanted a cookie too. Tubbo rang the little bell to show that someone was ready to order, and soon after the clear tone had sounded, someone came rushing up.

At first glance I didn't recognize him.

The hybrid that rushed up to the counter to serve us had a small round halo over his head, black skin, and his eyes were completely white, but not in an outright scary way (unless you met him in a dark alley of course). He was wearing a black hoodie with red markings, and across his chest he had a small name tag that read 'BadBoyHalo'.

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