A(not so)lovely conversation with Mr. Please-don't-talk-to-him-he's-dangerous

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I don't waste time, but just let the pussycat rest for a few more minutes, before I pick him up (it feels like a male) and carry him outside. As soon as I come out of the cat flap I feel rain in the air, and after about five minutes the first drops start to fall. The cat doesn't seem to like them, so as a temporary solution I pull down the zipper on the jacket and tuck it underneath. It was very uncomfortable to join, and I get a lot wetter than I would have otherwise, but it was almost worth it. Almost. 

The road was uneven, and if I didn't look my way, I could step right into a big puddle, or slip on a treacherous layer of mud. Water started to seep into my shoes, and I could see my pants starting to collect even more dirt. How lovely. 

When I finally arrive in L'manburg, it is around three o'clock. Not many people are outside in this weather, and the few people I see are rushing around with large umbrellas over them.

Despite the cat squirming under the jacket, I stopped. A part of me was annyoed that my hair got so wet, but my gaze was glued to the umbrellas. I felt the jealousy grow inside my chest, like some sort of sick plant. 

 Oh, how I wished I had one of those unbrellas in my hand right now. Although it was helping, Wilbur's jacket wasn't the most waterproof. I had seen that my family had umbrellas, but I had never been able to use them, as they were used extensively now in the fall, by their rightful owners.

"Hey Tommy!" suddenly heard a low, but still clear voice.

I flinched and turned around so quickly that the ball of fur under the jacket made an agitated noise, and I could feel its sharp claws digging into my side.

In front of me, under a massive black umbrella, stood none other than Dream, or as Tubbo called him, Mr. Dangerous. Seemingly unconcerned about the rain drumming against the ground and drenching me, he regarded me from under the white mask. I could feel his gaze drawn to my side, which at the moment was not the least bit discreet that I had anything under it, before it met my eyes.

"Oh, uhh hi Dream!" I stammered. I could feel an akward blush begin to heat up my cheeks.
Dream let out a laugh, as if I had said something funny. "So you do remember me."
"How so?"
My surprised expression seemed to elicit another laugh from the adult.
"Forgive me for my inappropriate joke. I'm just a little surprised that you're here almost every day, but never even say hello to me after Toby and Ranboo leave."

Toby? I frowned. I had never heard anyone call Tubbo by his real name before.

"Sorry... I've been in a hurry to get home."

Normally, I never had a problem lying convincingly, but I could instantly sense that Dream didn't believe it. Something about his posture became more rigid, and his voice took on a colder tone.

"In that way."
For a moment we looked at each other in silence, before Dream continued:
"Sorry if I'm rude, but is there anything I can help you with? Like, in general?"
I felt his gaze resting on the large lump under my jacket, which was constantly moving.
"Yes, I actually had to visit Ranboo on an important matter, and it's quite urgent, but I don't know his address. Do you have any idea...."

I didn't have to say more. Dream was already signing a piece of paper, and a second later saw he handed it over. There, in (luckily) easy-to-read letters, was an address.

"There you go." replied the masked man in his monotone voice.
"Thanks?" My answer sounded more like a question.
"Mm. You can go finish your 'important' business now."
"I'll... see you around, Dream."
"Oh, I don't think you will. Early tomorrow morning I will be leaving, and wont be back for almost a month."
"To where?"
Dream shrugged nonchalantly. "Different places. I like to figure out where I'm going during the trip."

But if I'm not? {Tommyinnit au}Where stories live. Discover now