Celebrating Halloween as a raccon

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WARNING: This chapter contains me being bad at writing conversations, jokes and insults

"Look at him!" Wilbur said in a silly happy voice. He looked me right in the face, and let out a little squeaking noice. "He's so cute!"
Off course he talked about me. He allways used that voice when he though I looked extra adorable, wich was about every third second. If I hadn't promised myself not to reveal myself, I'd shifted to a human long ago and punched him in the face. 

Techno walked up to us, chrouched down and looked at be, beofre turning to his brother. 
"Wilbur, I thought the plan was to make Thesues look scary at Halloween, not making him cuter."

I could hear Phil chuckle in the hallway. "Juding how you treat him,  no one is going to  have the backbone to refuse him anything."

It was Halloween, and Wilbur, Techno and Phil had finished the preparations, like baking web-themed muffins, carving pumpkins, hanging up decorations on whe walls, and fixing some scary movies to watch. At the moment, Wilbur And Techno were going on a Trick or Treat trip to L'manburg, and Phil had decided to take a walk with them, just to get some frech air. 
And for some reason, Wilbur had made a black witch hat made of paper an put it on me, since ''I needed some more scary details''. 
I could just imagine how silly I looked. 

Wilbur and Techno went up to Phil and put on their masks. Wilbur's looked like some pale ghostface that smiled a kind little smile (*cough, Ghostbur, chough*), while Techno's looked more like a boar, with fake tusks. He allso carried a pumpkin-themed bag, in wich I guess they'd put the candys in. 
Phil took my leash off the shelf. I stood patiently still while he put the awful thing on me. I'd kinda gotten used to it, but I still didn't like the feeling of being stuck within the leashes reach. 
"Phil, can I hold Theseus this time?" Techno asked. "Wilbur had him last time."
"But that's because he likes me better," Wilbur said before Phil even got the chanse to open his mouth. 
"You litterally watch that cat flap when he's outside, just to grab him an run away with him as soon as he gets in."
"No, it's more like..." Wilbur went silent before he went on. "Perhaps, but he still likes me better!"
"No fighting in my household," Phil moaned. "If you're so eager about who'll hold the leash, I'll do it."
Wilbur muttered something, but neither off the boys complained. 
"Off we go then!" Phil said with a cheerful voice and grabbed the leach. He opened th door, and we stepped out in the cool night. 

L'manburg really felt alive tonight. Light shined out from almost every windows, and next to each doorway there was a pumpkin of some kind. A lot off people were out tonight, and Phil greeted most off them, while Techno and Wilbur got a lot off goodies from the rest. I quickly realized now when I actually was out with them, that Phil was the type off guy that knew everyone, and everyone knew him. 

Phil had just stopped to talk with a nice pink-haired woman that I think he called Niki, when I heard Wilbur say:
"Hi there, how much candys have you've gotten yet?"
A familiar voice answeared:
"More then you've ever could've dreamed of, losers."
I looked in the voice's direction, and immediately caught sight off a little trio consisting off Tubbo, Ranboo and (for some reason) Purpled, all off them facing Wilbur and Techno, who was  taller then both Purpled and Tubbo. Apparently the two off them had teamed up with Purpled under my absence.
They had all dressed up more or less for the holiday. Tubbo wore a yellow hoodie with black stripes, with the big black letters 'Gimme Honey' on the front. Ranboo were dressed in black clothes and a long, purple cloak, and he had his little golden crown on as always. The design made me think of some kind of royalty. Purpled hadn't dressed up that much, but he had added some nice antennas sticking out from his blonde hair. I really liked it. 

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