Fixing a last minute gift for Ranboo

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Got any commenst for me? plz i'm lonely without my notifications

The first thing I thought of when I woke up was that I had to get a present to Ranboo's birthday. The present needed to be ready by tomorrow, so I needed to come up with something fast. What did he like? Tubbo had said something about liking plants, right? But I had no money, and as the suspicions of the theft of Phil's wallet were already in full swing, I did not want to risk taking anything again.

Yes, I definitely needed Tubbo's help for this.

But it was too early in the morning to go yet. And I didn't wanna get up from my warm 'bed'.

I was sleepily waiting for Wilbur and Techno to go off to school with Phil (who worked as a teacher there). After Techno patted me goodbye and Wilbur gave me a kiss on my forehead, the front door slammed shut behind them. 

Slowly I got up and went out to my food bowl in the kitchen. The daily portion of fruit, nuts, potatoes and berries, but also a piece of fish. I ate most of it, before going back to my little bed and laying down to digest the food and think.

Tubbo usually doesn't come until around 11, and now it was about 8, so I still had plenty of time to come up with some good explanation for my complicated situation.

But I couldn't calm down. I tried to relax, but I found my eyes constantly wandering to the front door, and it almost itched my fur to get the present-task done. Finally, I couldn't control myself any longer, and went out through the cat flap and onto the road towards L'manburg. I took the usual route between the houses, until I reached the park. Tubbo and Ranboo knew of course that I was always the first to arrive, but I also knew that I was unusually early today, so I sat down on one of the park benches and waited. I got a few looks, probably because of my soiled clothes, but I ignored them.

 Slowly, I saw how the initially empty surface began to fill with people, all of whom seemed to be going somewhere. I saw Purpled in the crowd, and after a while he seemed to spot me too. I saw how he hurried towards me.

I frowned. I had never spoken to Purpled alone more than once, so what could he possibly want from me? When he got closer, I stood up and started walking towards him.

When Purpled came up to me, he quickly handed over a piece of paper. When I just stared at him, he waved it a little impatiently and said:

"It's from Tubbo."

"Tubbo?" I picked up the note, and Purpled turned and strode off towards where he had now come from. I looked after him for a second, before my curiosity got the better of me and I opened the note.

Inside was a message written, in squiggly letters. I squinted to decipher them. At the orphanage we had certainly learned to read, but never very well. After I escaped, I hadn't read anything at all (except signs), and Tubbo's sloppy handwriting didn't make it any easier.

But after a few minutes, I still managed to figure out what he wanted to say:

Hi Tommy!
I'm really sorry that we can't meet up today, but mom has complained that I'm ditching class too much. Sadly, I'm not sure if we can meet again during my school time until December.
See ya tomorrow at Ranboo's party! (It's at 3pm)
- Tubbo

I was angry as I stomped through the woods. I didn't really know where I was going, but I didn't care.

Why hadn't I realized that Tubbo was truant? It should have been obvious to me, since that was littarally what he was doing when we first met! Of course he and Ranboo went to school just like everyone else, I saw Wilbur and Techno leave the house every morning. Ranboo used to come a little later, because he was still in classes! How could I have been so blind?

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