Untitled Part 14

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I started walking towards the park early, carrying the box I had been given by Alyssa with the cat inside.

When I arrived, Tubbo wasn't there, but that didn't matter. I was always the first to meet him and Ranboo anyways. So I sat down as usual on a bench in the park, and put the box next to it, and after some hesitation I put my jacket over it. I didn't want to reveal to Tubbo what I was going to give Ranboo just yet.

But I was more nervous than usual. Although Dream had said during our conversation yesterday that he would be leaving early today, my meeting with him had still left me worried. I didn't want to run into him again, so even though I knew he'd left by now, I still cast nervous glances around me from time to time.

About a quarter to three, I finally catch sight of Tubbo's short figure in the crowd, with a wrapped present under his arm.
 I get up from the bench and wave to him, and when he sees me, he lights up. With an eager smile, he pushes his way through the crowd and greets me with a hard punch to the side.

"Ouch! That hurt, man!" My exclamation was louder than I thought it would be.
"Sorry then." Tubbo didn't sound very contrite.
"What was that for?" 
"Oh, I don't know. I just felt like doing it." Tubbo grinned.
I snorted. "You mean, you felt like you wanted to entertain yourself at my expense."
"Something like that, yeah," Tubbo replied nonchalantly.
Then he frowned worriedly. "Did you find any boards?"
I looked downon my shoes. "No."

"No, it's actually good. Because, you know, I thought a little, and I figured it's probably better to make a tree house in the spring, because I don't have anywhere to store the materials yet."

"So all that trouble was unnecessary in the first place," I grumbled.
"What trouble?" asked Tubbo, immediately leaning forward, with that curious look in his eyes.
"Nothing," I answered quickly.
"Okay, if you insist," Tubbo laughed. Then his gaze cleared. "Wait, what's that under your jacket?"

Now it was my turn to smile an exaggerated smile. "Something you have nothing to do with."
"What is it? It must be a present for Ranboo, right? It looks like a box, so it must be a set of something, right? Is it a picklock? Or spray paint?"
"Something like that, yeah," I said, mimicking Tubbo's voice.
Tubbo groaned. "C'mon! Just give me a hint, man!"
I looked down at him for a moment, before answering:


Tubbo slapped me in the side again, before sighing deeply and letting his goat eyes meet my blue ones. "Just a little hint? Please, for my nerves? We can go afterwards, and I won't ask anything more."

"Well, I think you'd like it a lot."
Tubbo looked at me with a frown for a moment, before his sullen expression disappeared.
"I guess I'll just have to wait. At least" he added with a victorious smile, "I can take revenge by not talking about what I've bought."
"It's a nerf gun, you told me that the other day."
Tubbo's frustrated scream caused several people to turn and look at us with curious eyes.
I pulled Tubbo a little discreetly by the sleeve. "I think it's time we go to Ranboo's place now."

Once Ranboo's house came into view, the front door was already open, with a waiting Ranboo inside. When he saw me and Tubbo, he lit up, and an enthusiastic smile spread across his face. He ran up and over the last few meters remaining, arms outstretched. Once he reaches and then he pulls us into a group hug.

"Tommy! Tubbo!" His different colored eyes meet my slightly awkward face, and they are filled with joy.

"Hello Ranboo, nice to see you again after one and a half hours away from school!" giggled Tubbo. "You can't guess what I have for you in here." Tubbo pats the package he has under his arm.

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