Getting involuntary dragged away from the park by a stranger with horns

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Art by @KOTYAAAAAAAAAAl on twitter

Two days. That is the exact amount off time I waited before I went out in my human shape again. 
I knew it was stupid, I should've waited at least a week before I shifted again, if not more. But patience had never been one off my strong sides. I wanted to be human, not just be a little kind pet to be cuddled with as soon as my owners got home from school. 
But this time, I was more careful. After Phil and the boys left the house in the morning, I went out via the cat flap. I followed the little road  that went from the house. I had no clue were it went, but since the family allways went this way when they were going to school, it surley led somewhere

It was really a nice autumn day. All the trees had turned to different shades off red, orange and yellow, and the road was covered with dry leafes that made a chrunchy sound when you stepped on them. Clouds covered the sky, and it was a bit chilly in the air. 

After about 20 minutes, I saw the first houses. Big, colorful villas lined the road, which continued to wind its way through the landscape, towards what looked like a small town. 
This was going to be fun. 

I made sure that I was out off sight from the houses, and then I shifted. A part off me wanted too kep some traits of the raccoon for fun, ike the ears and the tail so I looked like a hybrid, but I decided that it probably wasn't a good idea. I didn't know how this society treated hybrids, and if Phil heard about a certain raccoonhybrid with blone hair and red sleeves, I guessed he would put two and two together and discover my secret fast. So, no tail. 

I went out to the road again, and scontinued to follow it. 
Once I got into the town, I ended out just walking around and looking at everyting, because there was alot too be seen. I walked past a big museum with stone pillars, and a cozy café: I really wanted to buy something, but I didn't have any money.

The citizens weren't that many, (think compared to a big city) I'd guess about 300 people, but they gave me the impression of being really nice. There was some hybrids, and they didn't at all seemed to be looked down on the slightest. I saw two young hybrids in my age walking past me, currently having some intense conversation about putting pasta in different food dishes.

 One off the hybrids was a tall guy with his skin split in black and white and a long tail with a fluffy tip, and the other one was shorter with ram horns and a green sweater. Both off them had backpacks. I waved at them (ya know, you gotta make friendas somehow) but they only looked up before they continued walking. I sighed and moved on. Like, there was still a blacksmith in front off me to be explored. 

I stayed until I'd visited every street in the town. It would take some time before I knew it in and out, but since I was free almost the whole day five days a week, I had plenty off time to learn. 
I looked at the sun. After spending some time in the wild, I had learned to keep track of time and I guessed it was about 2pm. 
Time to relax.

I ended up sitting on a bench in the park in the middle off the town. It was a nice veiw, but soon I started freezing. To late i remembered that it actually wasn't summer anymore, but cold October, and that without my fur or a jacket I'd be cold. My stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten since early this morning. 
But on the other hand, I really wanted to stay a bit longer, so I just crossed my arms and tried to ignore the chilly air. 
I killed some time watching the ducks in the little pond. I noticed that the short goat boy from before sitting on another bench in the other end at the park, with his backpack beside him. He doesn't notic me, so I let my gaze move on to a woman with pink hair that looked as she had a 100% loveley rate. 

But my attention gets stolen away from her as a man walks up to my bench and sits down. I glance at him quickly. 
There's not really much to say about him, since he has a green hoodie and his face is covered by a white mask with a blck smiley on it. How odd. 

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