Visiting a cafeteria in the name of crime

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"So, what is the plan for today? Ranboo?"

It was Tubbo who'd asked the question, as he usually did as soon as we met. 
We was walking down the main street in L'manburg. It was a chilly Octoberday, and I was hanging out with Tubbo and Ranboo, as we did almost every day after school. 
 The second time I met Tubbo, he'd brought his other friend Ranboo with him, and as a trio we came along really well.
 Tubbo was more off an adventure guy that wanted to do something fun (and a bit risky) as soon as he was let free, while Ranboo prefered too keep his feet on the ground. I wasn't sure what I wanted to be yet in this trio, I was still figuring it out.

"Well," Tubbo continued, "at least I wanna do something special today since it's almost Halloween."
"You say that every day and expects us to get up with something," I grunted and slowed down a bit so Tubbo wouldn't drop behind, due to his short legs. "Can't you think off something yourself?"
"But Ranboo always complains on my great plans," Tubbo pointed out. 
"Thats because your 'great' plans is either stupid or dangerous, if not both," Ranboo defended himself. 
"See? I haven't even said what it is yet, and he's alredy trying to make me stop it."
"What is it then?" I asked as I ran my hands deeper into my jacket pocket to escape the cold.

"You see..." Tubbo smiled a smile that felt like he wasn't fully sane. "I wanna do crime today."

Ranboo stopped in the step and looked Tubbo dead in the face. His long tail twitched from one side to the other.

"Tubbo, we can't do crime. It never ends up in a good way! Don't you remember what happned last time, when you dressed up and tried to mug Purpled?"
Tubbo rolled his eyes, but I could see a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "Thanks for reminding me."
"What happended?" I asked. I didn't know if I'd laugh or show some kind of sympathy. 
"It's a long story," Ranboo sighed, "but all you really need to know is that Pupled didn't get tricked, but both off me and Tubbo got grounded for a month, and that I don't go on Tubbo's missions beyond the law ever since."
"Aw, c'mon!" Tubbo objected. "I was careless, and now I know better! Plus, stealing isn't that big off a deal! I mean, we gotta do some kind off prank now, since Tommy is not gonna be here tomorrow."

I tried not to make a face at the last sentence.
 At the orphanage we'd never did something at Halloween, so I didn't know exactly how I was supposed to celebrate. I'd heard somehitng about that you'd dress up and ask people to give you candys, but how did you know who had candys and who didn't? And what if they thought you were rude and tried to beg for something you could buy youself? 
 I simply didn't have the nerve ask Ranboo and Tubbo how you celebrated properly, so when they asked me what I was going to do at the holiday, I'd just said that I was going to a familyparty out of town. 

"So," Tubbo continued, ignoring the gazes Ranboo gave him, "there's this restaurant I wanna steal from. I haven't been there so I don't know who works there, but I've heard that they make pretty good stuff there."
"Sounds good to me," I said. "I mean, who doesn't want free stuff that tastes good aswell."
"Exactly! My plan is simply that we enter the bakery in some way, steals some cookies or somhthing., and then get out as fast as we can. And Ranboo, I know what you're thinking, so you can stop giving me those looks."

"I just don't get why you wanna steal something so badly!" snarled Ranboo. "I don't want you or Tommy to get in trouble just because you wanna do something 'fun', that is wrong! Like, the company looses money that they need! I..." 
The tall hybrid went quiet before he mumbled: "Just don't do it, please."
I looked down on Tubbo, and then up on Ranboo. I didn't feel that exited to steal after Ranboo's speach, but most of me felt like it was too late quitting now. 
I patted Ranboo awkwardly on the shoulder. 
"It's okay, you don't have to help us at all, and I'll ensure we won't get caught," I said, even though it sounded lame.
"We won't steal that much," Tubbo added. "Not more then 8 each, I Pinky Promise! You know, I've never broken a Pinky Promise in my life!"

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