Beeduo has gotten a stomach ache while I'm fine

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I watched the new Dream Smp Lore, and now I wanna toss c!Dream and c!Punz... somewhere. I honestly can't think of a place that's dark enough for both of them.  

I was walking through L'manburg, for the first time in several days. Up this street, to the left, walk a couple off meters, to the right and up to the main street. It feels a bit strange but also nice to walk this route again. I used to walk this way everyday, but after I spent Halloween as a pet-raccon, I hadn't gotten the chanse to go to L'manburg as a human. Ranboo and Tubbo had tried to make me celebrate that holiday with them, but since I'd known that Wilbur and Techno looked forward to include me in their festivity, I'd apoligized to my friends and said that I'd go out off town to celebrate with the rest off my family.

It wasn't completley a lie, I tried to convince myself as I walked past the forge, but I still felt a bad about facing Tubbo and Ranboo again. Usualy I didn't have any problem with lying people right in their face, but Tubbo and Ranboo was my best friends (if not my only real ones). They trused me with everything. Lying to them... it felt like i betrayed them, stabbed their loyalty in the back.

But telling them the truth wasn't a choice. They knew me as their friend that lived in a small village and got homeschooled, they guy that always got early too their meeting place and always was up for a new crazy plan.
When I was little I had heard from one of the older children at the orphanage what had happened to his buddy who had lied to his new friends that he lived but his family in a small apartment, just like all the other 'normal' kids. But the guy made some social mistakes, and his 'friend's found out that he lived on the streets. From what I heard, they beated him up so hard that he still limped several months afterwards.

I wasn't sure if Ranboo and Tubbo would be that brutal if they found out, but I was defenitly not going to sacriface my first real friends for a truth that would harm them in every way possible. So, I was going to keep the lie alive, and just pretend that everything was fine.

I smiled when I saw the park in fron off me. We usually met in the area around here, and I'd quickly found out that the easiest way to find my friend was to look for Ranboo's black and white face, since his tall shape was easy to distinguish from the crowd. However, today his familiar face was nowere to bee seen. Only after about a minute of searching, I finally saw Tubbo's short figure sitting on one off the benches, with a big pouch next to him. He caught sight off me in the same moment as I did, and his tired face burst into a happy smile.

"Tommy!" he shouted ten times as loud as he usualy did. But then he flinched and bent over to hold his stomach. I couldn't see his face, but it felt like something was wrong with him. I mean, something more then the fact that he hadn't ran up to me to give me a bear hug.
I hurried across the park and over to the bench. When I got closer, Tubbo lifted his head. Beneath his now dull smile I saw that he was pale.

I could feel myself frowning. "Tubbo, are you alright? Where's Ranboo? Did anything happen to you while I was gone?"
Tubbo chuckled a bit, before he sighed.
"Well, you could say that me and Ranboo had a little too much fun under Halloween, to say at least. But why are you standing there? Sit down by any means, I've heard that you don't get as short then."
I rolled my eyes and did as he said. As soon as I got down on the bench, Tubbo caught me in a hug. The sudden move almost made me flinch. Sure, my 'family' hugged me now and then, but that was when I was a raccoon. Feeling Tubbo's frim grip around me was something different. It felt more... personal. Like I actually mattered for him. I hesitated for a moment, before I reciprocated the hug.

"So," I started when Tubbo finally loosened his grip, "what happened? And I don't wanna hear just the summary, I want the whole story."
"As you wish, my friend," Tubbo said. "But let me start with giving you this."
He bent down and picked up the pouch and handed it to me. I looked inside, and was met with the fact that the bag was filled to the brim with more types of candy than I thought possible. Caramels, lollipops, the kind of loose candy I had sometimes stolen when I was still on the run, occasional baked goods and much more. I could guess that this was the pay of doing Trick or Treat for an entire evening, but it still felt unbelievable.

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