Phil gets a heart attack (not literally)

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The next day, I found out that it was Monday, and Wilbur and Techno still went to school. And that Phil worked as a teacher in the same building. 

After twenty minutes of nice words (to me), patting (also to me), almost forgetting the homework (Wilbur), trying to persuade that it was nessecary to bring me to school (Wilbur and Techno), and call out that if they don't hurry they'll be late again (Phil), the family left the house.

 I was alone, but not in a bad way! The stupid funnel stopped me from going out through that cat flap, but I could still go out in my human form! Or I could run around in the house, scratching the walls, turn off the electricity, hide important keys! The house was virtually mine until Phil and the others got home. I could do whatever I felt like!

I ended up peacefully sleeping on the hat rack until Techno and the others got home and woke me up.

                                    *   *   *

I'd heard somewhere before that when animals get sick, they rest as much as they can, in order to heal fast. I had no clue if that applied to me since I was human too, but I mostly slept and ate that week, only going out for short walks in the garden, on a leash. (At first it felt uncomfortable, but I quickly got used to it)

But despite the resting part, I didn't like the thought off sabotage anything in this household. They had done so much for me, a simple raccoon that they'd found in their stoore room. Even if my morale wasn't the most perfect one, the thought off distroying something on purpose felt wrong

The week continued perfect. Wilbur and Techno started to regurly cuddle with me after school, and Phil bought some new toys and a climbing frame to me. Despite being part human, I actually found it funny chasing the little tassle on twine. My paw was as new, and I finally got rid off the cone around my neck. It felt really good to watch Phil put it in the trashcan. Now, I'd been here for about ten day, and my soul had clearly claimed that I was home.   

But when Phil closed the front door behind him on the next Monday, going out to work, I smirked a maniac smile inside. 
Now when I was healed again, I 'd gotten more and more fidgety. I wanted to run wild in the woods and feel the damp air in the morning when the sun rose. I wanted to have fun on my own!

I waited a minute or so to make sure he wouldn't hear anything, and then I shifted. Ahh, the feeling off being tall again was wonderful! 

A little laugh escaped me. Phil and the boys were at school now, unaware that a strange teen, who went under the titles poor, orphan and theif, had just gotten into their home. 
Of course I wasn't going to break or vandalize anything on purpose, but, on the other hand, I wasn't going to let myself be bored. 

I rushed up the stairs as fast as I could. It felt like I flew, as much energy I had. I littarly jumped over the last steps, and slammedthe door to Wilbur's room open. 
I hestitated for a moment, trying to remember. Why did I go up here? 
Oh, yes. How could I forget?
The guitar. 

In the orphanage, we didn't really get to have anything for ourselfs, unless we bought it with money we never had. I'd nevr played an instrument before, but I'd heard from the other kids that it was really fun, and Wilbur played the guitar now and then. This was the perfect oppurtunity to start learning. 

Expectantly, I snapped one off the strings. 

The string became a blurry line when it voilently vibrated, and gave off a dark tone. 
I frowned. This didn't sound right. 
I tried another string, pulling a bit harder this time. 

After a couple of  minutes, I gave up. Or, not entirely. I was still going to try agin later, but now I wanted to do other, more fun stuff. I went downstairs again, to explore the kitchen. I opened all the cupboards, looking for something intresting. Plates, glasses, ingredients to a cake, skillets... There were just normal kitchen stuff, nothing intresting I could entertain myself with( exept the knifes). 

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