Getting in big trouble

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I took a shortcut through the forest home. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

My plan was pretty simple, but I still didn't like it.
The only place Phil could think of having boards was in the tool shed. After I had slept there the first night, I had not gone in there again, but I had seen that the door was not properly locked, but was held shut by a hasp.

But to get the hasp up I would have to be human, and to drag the plank away, if I found one, I would also need my human strength.

In fact, I was not at all comfortable with the whole thing. I would have to break my own safety rules to get the plank, and taking it would be theft. Not that I was directly against stealing, but just taking it from Phil didn't feel right. (editing me here, STEALING IS STILL WRONG)
But I didn't want to be a coward either! I had promised Tubbo to at least check for building materials, and he was my best friend! I couldn't let him down just because I was afraid someone would see me. Right?

Oh, why would everything be so complicated?

I angrily kicked a dead tree trunk hard, sending wood chips flying into the air. I screamed in pain as a sudden pain shot up through my foot. It didn't feel like anything was hurt, but it still hurt. I gave the stump a dark look before continuing.

Way too soon, I saw the trees thinning out in front of me, and I could make out the outline of the house. I was here now.
I took a deep breath.
Let's pretend nothing can go wrong and that I'm doing something completley legal and won't get caught and that I'll have a nice cookie afterwards.

At first everything went well. After a quick investigation (which turned out to be completely unnecessary as the car was not in its usual place) I came to the conclusion that no one was home. I sneaked down to the shed and opened the door.
Luckily for me, there was actually a long, wide plank leaning against the wall in there. Hopefully Phil would never notice it was gone.

I only discovered the problem once I got it out of the shed: it was long. Very long. Certainly more than 2 meters/ 2 yards. I could not hold it properly, but had to drag it over the ground, so that the bottom of it became completely brown with mud.

But then, I heard the most terrifying sound ever: the sound of a car approaching.

I stood as if frozen in the grass. I stood in the middle of the lawn, fully visible from all sides, and the forest was too far away for me to get into the trees unseen. Thoughts raced through my head: how would I ever get out of this?

It felt like forever before I was able to force myself to move, but once the muscles kicked in there was no stopping me. I ran as if from a forest fire, with the plank in tow, back into the shed. Carefully I put the plank back while the sound of the car got closer and closer, and then I huddled in a corner.

It was like being in a horror movie when I heard the car roll into the yard and the engine cut off. The sounds of car doors slamming shut and Techno, Wilbur and Phil's voices mixing were frighteningly clear, as if they were living nightmares.
 Then I heard Techno's voice over the others:

"Why is the door to the storeroom open?"

It took me less than a second to realize that I was kind of dead now.
"Wilbur," I made out Phil's calm voice "could you please close the door for us?"
"Alright, dad," I heard Wilbur say, and then I heard footsteps across the gravel path, footsteps approaching way too quickly.

I had less than ten seconds to come up with a foolproof plan. If I hid... no, there was nothing that could hide me. If I transformed? But how could I then open the door? Oh, I heard Wilbur coming closer and closer...

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