Can everyone just leave me alone for a moment? Please?

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It was Saturday, and I was in a hurry.

Yesterday at the cafe, Tubbo had mentioned something *(editing me here, I didn't write that down)* that he wanted to meet a little later today, around 4 o'clock instead of right after lunch, because he wanted to plan a surprise for me, together with Ranboo.

So I had taken it easy all day. I had stayed with Techno and Wilbur in my racoon shape, and had been a nice little pet playing and cuddling with them all day.

The only problem had been that they hadn't wanted to stop cuddle with me in time, so I'd had a bit of trouble getting out of the house in time to get to our meeting place in L'manburg.

What had finally made the twins let me go had been Phil suggesting they go on a family walk this weekend, now that it was snowy and all (and perhaps shopping for Christmas).

And now I was on the run, slipping on the icy puddles haphazardly hidden under the snow. I swerved out of the way of the crowds of people who were walking at a leisurely pace along the streets. Why would everyone be out today, when I was in a hurry?

It was around a quarter past four, a quarter late.

I was never late. I was the one who always came early, the one who always waited for the others to arrive. Rushing like this was not something I was used to.

Another problem was the location: Tubbo hadn't mentioned if we were going to meet at the park, or at our other place (which was just a quiet street, nothing special). So right now I ran full speed and just took a chance that they were in the park.

But as I braked into the park area, I couldn't see Ranboo's tall black and white figure, or Tubbo's short figure with the ram horns.

Oh fudge.

But when I sped up again, I didn't look around. Just like that, I ran on someone's back.

The crash caused me to slip and fall to the ground. I took the brunt of the fall with my hands, and it stung when the skin was scraped up.

"I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to... Are you alright?" I heard a voice above me.

I looked up, and met the gaze of the one I had collided with.

It was none other than Wilbur himself, and behind him I glimpsed Techno's pink hair and Phil's bucket hat.

In the moment it took for us to recognize each other, I felt myself turn pale. Wilbur, on the other hand, I could see go from worried, to confused, and finally furious.

"You..." His voice was full of wrath.

I didn't wait for him to continue with his next move. With a leap, I got to my feet and ran.

I could hear him setting off after me, and after a quick look behind me I realized that it wasn't just him; both Techno and Philza also ran, shouting out:

"Somebody stop that guy!"

And so, the hunt was on. Me vs my three owners (and if I was unlucky, their possible reinforcement).

True, I was fast, and I had the advantage of knowing the streets of L'manburg inside and out, but they outnumbered me, and they were rested. Although I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me, I knew that soon I wouldn't be able to keep up this pace. I was panting heavily, my lungs ached, and the cold air didn't seem to give me any oxygen.

I skidded around a street corner, and was greeted by the welcoming faces of Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Tommy!" they both greeted. "We've been waiting for you, and you can't believe it, but..."

But if I'm not? {Tommyinnit au}Where stories live. Discover now