"Adventures of 15-year-old boys" (aka Two Years' Vacation by Jules Verne)

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A fresh-faced newbie reporter arrives at the police station and announces himself to a group of unwashed, bleary-eyed sunbaes typing away on their laptops. One guy gets up to greet the obvious first-timer, while the others just sit there with a faraway look in their eyes.

Three days later, Shaurya is the rookie to announce himself, and the fresh-faced newbie who arrived three days ago now looks exactly like the others, with dark circles down to there and the same dead look in his eyes. Shaurya narrates, "They were like zombies-zombies that had been awake for 24 hours and left to starve. And a few days later, I had become one of them."

Six hours earlier.

Dad finds out about Anokhi's new job the bad way - by seeing her face on television as the new face of Jagruk Nation's "honest news." Mom picks some pretty amazing timing to drop by Dad's office, and he barely has a second to register Anokhi on TV before turning around and coming face-to-face with his ex-wife. She says she's here to talk about Anokhi, and Dad looks about as pleased as you'd guess. Yash tenses up at Shubh Savera's report about the death of two chemical plant workers who were discovered in a fire. The investigation is showing signs of foul play, and the use of toxic chemicals to instigate the shipping container fire that killed them. Their leading suspect is the plant manager who owed them money and is currently missing... because Yash trapped him in a manhole six feet under! Yash's boss hands him the money that he collected from Shaurya for the truck bumper, and says the guy was happy to pay for the damages, and even looked a little like Yash. Shaurya finally finishes his shredded paper reconstruction after two all-nighters, and the rest of the rookies are especially nice to him as they face their official district assignments. The worst assignment is the Ambala, because that rookie has to work under Alok (whose nickname, by the way, is Nitpick).

Ah, I misinterpreted Shagun's smile in the last episode-she was pleased because one rookie gets assigned per district, and she hoped that Shaurya would free her from Alok's wrath. They share their hot-packs and candy bars with Shaurya, who's totally unprepared for their upcoming night watch. Shaan comes out to give out their team assignments, and as expected, Shaurya is put on Alok's team. The other rookies breathe a sigh of relief, but then Shagun also gets placed on the same team, and she blurts, "WHY?!" Shaan points out that there's no rule about one rookie per team. Alok arrives behind them, and LOL, his ringtone is the Darth Vader theme song? He even lets it ring a while just for effect, before saying loudly into the phone that he's got two newbies on his team to drive him twice as crazy. Poor Shagun is so frightened that she cries again, and has to lie to Shaan that they're just yawn-induced tears. She blankly asks Shaurya to return her hot-packs, suddenly not feeling so generous. They don't even get as far as the elevator before Nitpick calls and screams at them to get their asses moving, and they take off. Over at Jagruk Nation, Lalit is a very different kind of team leader, who speaks to Anokhi andAhir in jondae and politely explains their night watch assignment (naturally, they're also assigned the Ambala district). Preetam accuses him of treating them differently because of their connections, only to watch a little longer and realize that Lalit is just as much of a hardass - he just likes to speak in that eerily polite, passive-aggressive tone.
(Ha, doesAhir not understand sarcasm?Anokhi has to stop and explain that Lalit is saying one thing but means another.)
He practically sing-songs at them to run, and to answer his calls in under three rings at all times, whether sleeping or pooping. He reminds them that other reporters are now the enemy, and we intercut between Alok and Lalit giving minute-by-minute instructions to Shaurya andAnokhi as they each race down to the street. They actually arrive outside their buildings at exactly the same time, and Shaurya comes to a screeching halt and asks what Anokhi is doing here. Ahir asks if she didn't tell him that she's a reporter for Jagruk Nation now, and introduces himself to Shaurya. Shaurya ignores the outstretched hand and asks for an explanation, and Anokhi tells him about Mom and the publicity internship. He looks up and sees the giant banner with mother and daughter advertising honest news from a Pinocchio reporter, and walks away. Ahir grabs him by the arm to say that Anokhi isn't finished talking yet, but Shaurya just twists Ahir's arm around his back and shoves him away. Anokhi runs after him, leaving Ahir alone to swear angrily. The second he does though, he surprises himself, "Did I just swear? Huh." Anokhi runs after Shaurya and grabs both wrists before he'll stop. He shouts back angrily, asking why she wants to be a reporter so badly - did she really want to go back to her mother that much, when all she did was stomp on her pride? Anokhi shouts back, "It's not because of Mom! It's because of you!" She tells him that it's because of that quiz show he went on eight years ago, and the way it felt when their teacher and all their classmates changed their opinions in one fell swoop. She pounds her chest: "That day so wonderfully remains right here. Not one minute, one second will be erased." She says that's the reason she won't give up on her dream, no matter how much Dad disapproves or how much Mom stomps on her pride. She tells Shaurya that she doesn't need his support either, and would rather have him disapprove-that way it'll be easier to stop liking him. Dad arrives in the distance as Shaurya tries to hold her back to argue. She tells him to go ahead and try to stop her, because she'll just want to do it more. Dad flashes back to Mom's visit earlier that day. He asks if she suddenly feels the urge to be a mother, and Mom says no-that's why she's here. She says she knows Anokhi, and the more Dad tells her not to do something, the more she'll want to do it : "Like me." She asks for him to let Anokhi pursue her dream, which is the only way he'll get to keep her by his side. So when Shaurya asks how she'll convince Dad, Dad interrupts them (I love the way Shaurya instinctively sneaks her behind his back all the time), and shocks them both by saying that he doesn't disapprove. He doesn't exactly approve either, but he hands her a pair of new shoes in honor of the new job. Aw. Anokhi bounces up and down in glee, while Shaurya accepts defeat. Everyone heads home to pack for their 24-hour news patrol shift, and Ahir packs a full suitcase like he's going on a luxury business trip. Chaebol Mommy worries about him having to sleep at the police station like a common criminal, and she coos at him to give up if things get too difficult.

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