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After hearing Ronny's ultimatum, Grandma Seeta sends her henchmen to check on her son. Ronny got to him first, however, and kidnapped him after disabling the surrounding cameras. Grandma Seeta orders her men to continue the search discreetly, so the police don't get wind of what happened.

Anokhi is back at the family restaurant, after Pawan took her away from Shaurya's apartment. She shares a cup of tea with Dr.Singh and asks if Shaurya was ever a victim of abuse. She remembers Ronny accusing Shaurya's mother of being a complicit witness to abuse, and thinks that Shaurya's personalities must have evolved to deal with that trauma.

Ronny calls Anokhi, and they meet on the steps outside the restaurant. "Should I steal Sabherwal Group?" he asks. If Anokhi wants the company, he'll give it to her. If not, he'll take it and destroy it. "So don't kill me," he pleads. "Even if it means being Shaurya's false image, let me stay by your side."

A tear falls down Anokhi's face. Ronny extends his hand to Anokhi : "Come with me." Anokhi reaches for his hand, but Pawan arrives and stops her in her tracks. "Don't make this worse than it already is," he warns Ronny. Ronny remembers Pawan's earlier words, about him having no right to meet Anokhi because he is a son of Sabherwal Group, and he takes his hand away. Pawan leads Anokhi back inside, leaving Ronny behind in the cold.

Anokhi stops Pawan at the doorway to her room and asks why he has changed lately. "You were always on my side," she says. Pawan swears that he is still on her side, and that what he's doing now is for her own good.
"So trust me," he pleads. "Stop asking me to trust you and trust me for once." There may come a day when she's grateful for it.

In her study, Grandma Seeta reviews CCTV footage from the hospital where Ronny found his father. As she watches, Ronny strolls through the lobby and, seeing the camera, backs up to wave knowingly. Grandma stands up, trembling. She moves to get a drink, then collapses to the floor.

Anokhi speaks to Pawan through his closed door. She has decided to go with Ronny, with or without her family's approval. "I think I'm a part of this game," she says, "and I have to play it to the end. I want to take responsibility." Pawan's anguished expression is heartbreaking, as he listens silently with his back against the door.

Anokhi walks away from the restaurant, when Pawan comes resisting after her and whacks her on the head. He says with composure that he'll drive her. Anokhi's face breaks into the biggest smile, and she jumps on Pawan's back gleefully.

Aww, I was hoping Pawan wouldn't stay away for long!

The car pulls up in front of Shaurya's apartment. Before Pawan leaves, Anokhi asks if he wants to do "that thing we used to do so well when we were children." Pawan : "Are you crazy?! We're too old for that!" But a second later he's back by her side.
Pawan : If you ask who we are...
Anokhi : It is human nature to answer!Pawan : To prevent the destruction of this world!
Anokhi : To protect the peace of this world!Pawan : To carry out the evils of truth and love!
Anokhi : Pokémon Experts! Super-cute villains!
Pawan : I'm Pawan!
Anokhi : I'm Anokhi!
Pawan: For Team Rocket reaching around the universe!
Anokhi : We are waiting for the beautiful world of tomorrow!
The twins end their Team Rocket chant with a triumphant pose, and then... "I'm going," Pawan says. "Bye," Anokhi replies.

They walk away without a single word acknowledging the awesomeness that just happened. Pawan turns around to watch Anokhi enter the apartment, however, and his lips curve upward in a sad smile.

Anokhi finds Ronny in the living room, hunched over with his head buried in his arms. When she asks why he isn't sleeping, Ronny replies: "Because I might disappear." Anokhi thinks back to a conversation with Dr.Singh, when he asked if she ever gets confused about her relationships with Shaurya or Ronny.

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