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Ronny thrusts Anokhi out of harm's way and dives into his fight with the partier whose jacket he stole. Anokhi's soundtrack of screams punctuates his flying kicks while the party goes on inside. Dispatching the man, he comes back for her, but she screams a warning to him - a moment too late, as his opponent gives him a hard crack on the head and he goes down......only to pop up again.

He knocks the man out, so he can turn his attention back to Anokhi. She asks him why he's doing this, and he tells her, "You called me. You've been calling me since a really long time ago." Edging away, she counters that she didn't even know him a long time ago. Unfazed, he replies that it's fine since she knows him now. Her edging away turns into him backing her up, and he asks her to play. She wards him off with feet-stamps and screaming entreaties, and like a magic spell, it works. She orders him to turn around, and he does, as if hypnotized. Telling him to stay right there, she makes a break for it, and facing away from her, Ronny's grin turns sharkish.

Anokhi leaps into a taxi, heading for her hospital, finally relieved to escape, but a motorcycle gives chase. To her horror, it's Ronny (of course). He pulls up alongside and her attempts to hide are met with a wink, bringing a full-on bout of screaming.

Girl's got some lungs, man.

She's dropped off at Kapurthala Hospital, and Ronny parks right behind her. She tries the hypnosis thing again, but it doesn't work, so she runs instead. He grabs her and tells her it's not fun playing pets anymore. Since he played with her, it's her turn to play with him. He doesn't have much time - unlike her, he doesn't know when he'll appear. Anokhi asks if he's a prison escapee. Ronny tells her it's a place that's even harder to escape, and way more cramped. While he speaks, he puts a helmet on her and tells her to hop on. But she's had enough - she really has to be in the hospital now, and pushes man and helmet away. He tries again, but she really loses her patience now and throws him off. However, when she looks at him properly, she notices the cut on his head and the lost look on his face, and softens.

This time, she takes his arm and drags him inside. Doctor Anokhi tells him to take off his clothes so she can tend to his injuries. It seems our Ronny is quite literal-minded because he totally strips, bringing on another horrified screamfest from Anokhi. Hilariously, her colleagues have their ears pressed to the door and they conclude from the tone of her screams that she isn't hating it - they might not be wrong, since between screams, she keeps taking peeks. Civilized (= clothed) again, Ronny notes that she's a psychiatrist, which isn't good. "You and I could have a bad fate," he tells her, and she snarks at him all, "Omona! You don't say!"

Ha, I like her.

Snatching her phone, he
programs his number into it, and makes sure she knows his name. He warns her that the person with his face and a different name is fake - there's only one Ronny, "So you must never forget my eyes." After a charged moment, Anokhi breaks away from him and exits, and runs into her senior, Dr. Park.

He scolds her for losing her patient, but right behind her, Ronny slams Dr. Park into the wall, only releasing him once he says Anokhi is allowed out with him. Dr. Park even barks at her to dress up and look pretty. While the doctors go off, Ronny gets a call from Chief Makkhan. He tells him he's found Dr. Singh - and he's right here in Kapurthala Hospital. Ronny takes the call pretending to be Shaurya. Dr.Singh plays Shaurya's old interview reels in his office, where he describes his violent Ronny alter. A knock at the door admits the devil himself, but Dr.Singh mistakes him for gentle Shaurya and greets him like an old friend.

Ronny-as-Shaurya (is that confusing yet?) asks the doctor if he's really pleased to see him, "Since you tried to kill me so many ways," he adds, discarding his façade. Ronny wrecks Dr.Singh's office, and crushes his glasses beneath a booted heel. He picks up a scalpel and muses it would be a good gift for Sameer (the suicidal 17-year-old boy-alter). "Or I could use it on you first," he threatens.

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