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In the hospital parking lot, Ronny pulls Anokhi over to his car, telling her that he doesn't have much time... "yet." He baldly states his intention to take over complete control from Shaurya, and threatens to keep Shaurya submerged forever if Anokhi doesn't come with him.

That brings us to where the last episode left off, with Anokhi shrieking like a banshee as Ronny burns rubber down the highway. He tosses her phone and his out the window, saying that anything that interrupts their limited time together is best dispensed with.

Dr.Singh tells Chief Makkhan that Ronny may have kidnapped Anokhi. They are both worried for her safety, but Chief Makkhan also wants to protect his boss's secrets, so he asks for more time to analyze the situation. Meanwhile, Ronny pulls up outside of a hotel, where Anokhi is understandably a bit freaked. Ronny asks her to choose between him and Shaurya—he's willing to allow her the choice, he says, but she can only have one or the other.

He also doesn't allow her to leave, threatening to kill himself along with Shaurya if Anokhi doesn't go with him into the hotel. "Aren't you curious," he asks, leaning in, "what will happen in a place like this?" Chief Makkhan reminds Dr.Singh that Ronny has never harmed women or children, and then receives a call from the people he has tasked with keeping Shaurya's personalities in check. They've tracked the car to a hotel.

Chief Makkhan reminds them that their first priority is Anokhi's safety, though they should also take the utmost care not to hurt Shaurya when they restrain him. Inside the hotel room, Anokhi looks on in horror at a stuffed bear, surrounded by festive balloons and ribbons. She's wonders why the heck he's presenting her with this, and he replies, "You used to like them. Is this not right?" So he tries again, presenting her with a model train next, and a poster from Beauty and the Beast.

At her continued confusion, he wonders, "Is this wrong too?" Anokhi asks if he's trying to be funny, causing Ronny to ask, "You think this is funny?!" Like it's a surprise that a grown woman wouldn't fall for a 7-year-old's idea of romance. Anokhi does her best to go with the flow, even clapping along with a maniacal clapping monkey toy to keep Ronny from feeling offended.

After unveiling the last of his presents (who remembers Ring Pops?!), Ronny asks Anokhi once again to choose him over Shaurya. Anokhi cracks me up when she says: "You're both so freaking charming, so give me some time to think it over, all right?" Then he makes a ludicrous hairstyle change to look more like Shaurya, asking if that will do it for her. Ronny pulls her out of the hotel room, leading her to an outdoor clothing vendor, noting that her hospital gown looks cold.

He carelessly tosses items around, rejecting them as too thin for the winter chill. Then he looks up at the vendor, who is wearing a jacket with a fur-lined hood: "That looks warm." Now wrapped in her snug new jacket, Anokhi hurries after Ronny to scold him for threatening the vendor. He retorts that he paid three times market price, which only leads Anokhi to scold him again for wasting the money that Shaurya earned. "Don't you feel sorry?" she asks.

But Ronny says they each have their different capabilities and that without him, the fragile Shaurya would already be dead. Anokhi is quick to apologize, not wanting to antagonize the volatile Ronny, who warns her not to speak about Shaurya in front of him again. He reaches towards her, triggering Anokhi's Scream Reflex, only to brush the hair away from her eyes and zip up her jacket for maximum warmth.

Ronny leads Anokhi to a fake carriage where they can watch a fireworks display. When Anokhi asks how he knew she liked fireworks, Ronny replies that she said she wanted to see them a long time ago. Remembering how Shaurya asked if she had ever met Ronny before, Anokhi starts to wonder .Anokhi asks if Ronny liked Winter Sonata, and if she by any chance resembles his deceased first love. "She's not dead," Ronny replies, holding her gaze. "Thankfully."

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