EPISODE 19: "The North Wind and the Sun"

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Following Devi's police interrogation, Shubh Savera breaks the story about her involvement in fourteen years of media cover-ups, implicating her Jagruk Nation director and Chaebol Mommy as the puppetmaster behind every move. Shaurya gives the field report detailing the long relationship backed up by the text messages, and finally gets to tell the right version of Firefighter Dad's story on the air. Shaan silently puts a hand on his shoulder for a job well done. Jagruk Nation is in an uproar, though a few people like Preetam and their lead cameraman are rather proud of Devi's confession, noting that she seems like a real reporter again. The reception is coldest where it hurts the most : Ahir, who waits on pins and needles to know what happens to his mother, and Chaebol Mommy, who watches the report and lets out a little, "Damn it." Anokhi and Mom watch the report from Jagruk Nation, and Anokhi asks carefully if she's okay. Mom replies calmly that she is not okay, and then launches into a list of things that Shaurya did wrong, making his report lacking for impact. Anokhi looks at Mom like she's nuts, and then breaks into a laugh to realize that she's perfectly fine. Preetam joins them, and they both coach Anokhi on what to do next. As expected, Chaebol Mommy simply calls her team of lawyers to fix the problem, and they request an extension for her police interview with the lie that she's out of the country on a business trip. They arrange for her to rest quietly in a villa until this blows over. But that's exactly what Devi guesses she'll do, down to which house she'll stay at. Anokhi conveys this to Shaurya (writing notes for him because he's still got a bum arm), and Shaan is shocked to hear that he's getting information sourced from Devi herself. Obviously she means business. In no time, Shubh Savera puts up footage of Chaebol Mommy casually walking her dog on the nightly news, which is pretty awesomely embarrassing for her. Another subpoena for questioning gets issued immediately, and more calls from worried politicians arrive. She fumes that one minute on the news can derail the time and money she's spent putting cops and prosecutors in her pocket, and looks ready to take someone's head off. Devi knows that Chaebol Mommy will arrange to go to the police station at the crack of dawn on a quiet weekend to avoid reporters, and so everyone camps out underground in the parking garage, per Devi's orders. And like clockwork, Chaebol Mommy arrives. They flood her with questions, which she manages to ignore, but then Shaurya gets the better of her by saying that all the politicians she backs will be watching this report anxiously, so does she have anything to say to them? Ha. She snaps at that, and whirls around to scream, "SHUT UP!" She says nothing else, but it's a pretty great moment, and Shaurya purposely holds the elevator door open so that everyone can keep filming. Anokhi tells Shaurya that at this point, Chaebol Mommy will find another story to bury hers - some celebrity scandal to turn heads while her case blows over. It's sad how easily and how often this happens in real life. And again on cue, Chaebol Mommy's team tells her that they can play up a story about an idol abusing Propofol. She likes that idea, so immediately Jagruk Nation reports the big scandal of an idol-actor being investigated for Propofol abuse. Shagun's jaw drops and she yells back at the screen that it's a blatant lie, and she's among the crowd of reporters waiting to get a statement from the idol the next morning. Everyone throws out questions, except for Shagun who listens to his defense with tears in her eyes and replies on camera, "I believe you, oppa! I'll protect you, oppa!" Pffft. This time her faith in oppa pays off, and she happily reports that he's been declared innocent, complete with an interview from his doctor. Chaebol Mommy finally blows a gasket and fumes at every move being thwarted by Devi and Shubh Savera. Her staff suggests trying to bribe Anmol, since the whole case would disappear if he dropped the charges, and Mom anticipates this move as well and asks Anokhi if Anmol is susceptible to bribery. Anokhi says he isn't, but hiccups. She admits sheepishly that she isn't sure since he has three kids. She and Shaurya have lunch with Anmol, and he swears on his conscience that he would never accept a bribe. He says that he's doing this for Shaurya because he feels bad about starting those rumors back in high school; besides, he knows what this case means to Shaurya on a personal level. Anokhi looks relieved and says that she knew he wouldn't be so easily bought, and promptly hiccups. I love the sideways glance from Shaurya. He totally hangs her out to dry and says that he trusted Anmol completely, heh. Conscience aside, Anmol isn't above shamelessness, and invites them over for a housewarming party this weekend, gifts mandatory. They remind him that he's been living in that place for three years, but he counters that they haven't been over. Shaurya and Anokhi head home, and Grandpa tells Shaurya that he brought over some more of his clothes from his apartment. Anokhi runs in to help Shaurya get set up to brush his teeth, but then the second she leaves the bathroom, he switches to his right hand.

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