EPISODE 12: "The Magic Flute"

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The clock winds down to news hour and both networks begin their broadcasts, with Yash sitting down for his interview at Jagruk Nation and Shaurya bracing himself in a sound studio at Shubh Savera. Shagun peeks inside the room and pouts at how unfair it is that Shaurya gets the big story for his first official on-camera report, and though she's in the news lineup tonight as well, she guesses her mother will be asleep before her segment ever airs. Grandpa fumbles with the remote to hurry and record the news just in case Anokhi or Shaurya debut, and Dad tells him not to bother-they can do this every night till the cows come home, but the kids aren't showing up on that TV. At Shubh Savera, Editor Johar thinks Shaan was rather cruel to have Shaurya break the story about his own brother, but Shaan says stoically that it's what Shaurya wanted. Though he seems worried too. We switch over to Jagruk Nation, where Anokhi looks on nervously as Yash sits down at the news desk next to Mom for his live interview. Mom introduces him as a national hero and even brings up the fact that they've met before, thirteen years ago when he came to her to do an interview about his father. She plays the interview - the good parts this time - and Yash doesn't miss the chance to point out on live television that she edited it quite differently then and now. He recounts verbatim what she said thirteen years ago about cutting out his entire my-father-is-a-hero plea in favor of the story she wanted to tell. Mom gets flustered and tries to move on to the next question, and Yash notes bitterly, "It's funny how through editing, one person can become the devil, and the other a hero." Mom can't bring herself to admit she was wrong or apologize even when faced with her mistake so baldly, and just says that all the networks were misinformed. But she assures him that she and Jagruk Nation are more mature now, and they're the ones who corrected past mistakes and reported his heroism, after all. But he disagrees and says she's doing the exact same thing today, only in reverse-thirteen years ago she turned a hero into the devil, and today she turned the devil into a hero, because he's a killer. He then turns to face the camera and says that he's a murderer, and that they can find out on Shubh Savera.

Ha, okay not funny, but kinda funny.

With impeccable timing, Shubh Savera breaks the story that "national hero" Yash confessed to murdering three people. As the story airs, Anmol watches the broadcast and flashes back to the moment that Shaurya gave him the location of the manhole. He told Anmol the truth-that Yash confessed his crimes to him because Shaurya is his brother. Shaurya's news report includes an interview with Yash, which he must have done right after outing himself as the informant. He confesses to killing all three plant workers and provides Shaurya with the evidence, and Shaurya reports that Yash couldn't live with the public image of himself as a hero and decided to turn himself in. Anokhi watches the Shubh Savera broadcast with bated breath, and at the end of his report, Shaurya signs off, "Karan, Shubh Savera News."

Oh noooo, Dad and Grandpa! Ugh, I can't believe they're finding out this way.

They gape at the television and Grandpa murmurs numbly, "What is he saying? Why is he not Shaurya, but Karan?" Mom sits in the dark at the Jagruk Nation news desk, stewing in rage, and flings her script into the air. Outside, Shaurya stands at Jagruk Nation's door waiting for Yash to come out. A row of police cars lies in wait to take him away, and Shaurya runs up for one last conversation. Yash asks if he did well on his report, and Shaurya nods.

Agh, his puppy eyes are just stabbing me in the heart right now.

Yash says he stuck it to Devi, and Shaurya can't hold in his tears any longer as they glance over at the officers waiting to arrest him. Yash regrets that their time together has been so short, after being apart for so long.

That's what I'm sayin'!

We couldn't have waited two weeks or just one more pizza before the big confession?Shaurya cries that he's sorry for not finding him sooner, and Yash cradles Shaurya's face in his hands as he says that this is just the beginning for him now, and he has to battle Devi on his own. "Show Devi, and me, what a real reporter is." Shaurya is sobbing by now, and Yash holds it together long enough to get in a pinky swear, just like the one they shared the last time they saw each other as kids, and rumples Shaurya's hair. Shaurya clutches onto Yash and wails into his chest, not letting go, and Yash finally lets himself cry as he hugs him back. At home, Shaurya bows before Grandpa, who asks quietly if he's found a place to live (he's moving into Yash's old apartment), and if he really has to leave. Grandpa says he doesn't care what his circumstances are, because to him he's just his son Shaurya, and asks if living here was so hard for him. Shaurya chokes back tears as he says yes.

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