XXIV. Basisilk And The Heir

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Salazar: hey everyone just wanted your opinion on something

Helga: shoot

Salazar: okay what if we get a giant version of each of our house symbols

Rowena: what

Salazar: like Godric would have a giant lion chilling out somewhere and rowena would have a big canary

Rowena: it's an eagle

Salazar: okay whatever

Godric: I don't think uh

Salazar: it can't be to hard to find a huge badger

Godric: okay dude wtf no this is ridiculous absolutely no giant house symbols

Salazar: oh um okay because I kind of uh...





Helga: what did you do.

Salazar: NOTHING


I walk down the bland corridors as I take a bite out of a small loaf of bread I had gotten from the dining hall.

*Come... come to me... come to me...* I hear a feminine-ish yet seemingly non-human voice echo as I glance up at the roof.

*Eserine!* Nyx hisses as she looks around excitedly.

*You know.. whoever is speaking in parssseltounge?* I question nyx as she looks at me slightly guilty.

*I've been talking to her since the beginning of last year.. she's a basilisk—* she stops when she notices my stern glare.

*don't worry! she won't hurt you I promise!* Nyx adds on as I sigh and shake my head.

*Fine. But I want to meet her to guarantee she won't hurt me or my friends.* I hiss at her as she nods before slithering down my neck and down to the ground.

She gestures for me to follow her as I do so— she led me to the girls bathroom as she slithered up onto the sink before slithering up my arm and to my neck.

*Open.* She hisses as suddenly the top of the sink retracts into the ceiling and the sinks move outwards, then, one of the sinks goes down so I have space to walk in. I look at her blankly as she ignores me.

Nyx hisses happily as she jumps down the hole to seemingly nothingness as I sigh annoyed before jumping down aswell, I squeal in terror as I cover my head with my arms.

If I die I am so going to fucking haunt whoever made this—!

Suddenly I feel myself landing on a bunch of bones as nyx looks at me excitedly.

*You're insane nyx.* I deadpan at her as she looks back at me with glee In her eyes. I sigh as I kneel down to let her slither up my arm and around my neck.

As nyx guides me somewhere I notice the shedding of a snake along the way making me mentally facepalm and regret my basically suicidal decisions.

She leads me towards a door in the wall as she gestures for me to step forward.

*If I die because of you I am so haunting you.* I state as nyx seems to look away as she faces towards the door.

*Open.* Nyx hisses again as the door opens once again.

I step into the circular door as I slide down the ladder, walking into the rather suspicious looking chamber.

I walk down the pathway as suddenly a snake slithers out of the statues mouth which was already open.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now