XXVII. Exploring The Chamber

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By the time night had fallen, Draco had gotten out of the infirmary as I explain the entire chamber of secrets situation to them.

"So there's a basilisk down there?! And you met it?!" Hermione screeches as I quickly put a hand over her mouth.

The other girls in the dorm had been down in the common room so Mione sent a quick owl to tell him to meet us here.

"Yes, yes! Be quiet! I don't want the whole school to know!" I whisper shout as the girl as she hesitates before nodding.

*Kill...* I suddenly hear her voice hiss from decently far away. *Time to kill...*

"She's going to kill.." i mutter as their eyes widen.

"The fuck your mean she's going to—?!" Draco starts but I cut him off as I glare at the boy.

"I can hear her. She seemed decently far away, perhaps the library? Or somewhere near there..." I trail off before glancing at the two.

"What do you mean you can hear her? Only a few people are known to be able to speak to snakes, also known as speaking in parseltongue." Hermione explains as I laugh nervously.

"Yeah... about that..." I grin at her nervously as her eyes widen.

"You mean—?!" she gasps in awe as Draco didn't seemed all that surprised, he had noticed I always seemed to understand nyx.

"By the way, you can't tell anyone. With the rumors about the chamber of secrets I doubt they would take well to a Slytherin being able to talk in parseltongue." I explain as Hermione nods.

"Could you... show us? The chamber, I mean." Draco asks with a hint of hesitation.

"Hm... sure, just make sure we don't get caught." I agree as Hermione pats my head and smiles at me.


We walk into the girls bathroom as Draco raises an eyebrow before hesitantly stepping in.

*Open.* I hiss as the top lifts into the ceiling and the sinks move out before one sinks into the floor before being covered again my a metal panel.

Hermione let's out a quiet gasp before I drag them both down the tunnel.

Hermione let's put a screech as she grips onto me and Draco's robes in fear.

Once we land Hermione looks at me wide-eyed before she glances the other way reluctantly.

"Sorry, should've warned you." I grin at her with a carefree shrug as she rolls her eyes fondly.

"If I die here, I'm so going to haunt you." She states matter-of-factly as I grin playfully at her.

"Same here." Draco states as he ruffles my hair before following me over to the door which was already open.

I raise an eyebrow but continue forward as the mouth of the statue opens and once again, the snake slithers out.

"Eserine!" I call as the snake faces me before blinkling and the cover for her eyes slide on.

*Y/n! did you bring nyx with you?* She asks as mione and Draco had backed up slightly.

"Sorry, she was asleep and I didn't want to disturb her, but I did bring my two other friends!" I explain as I grab Draco's and miones arm.

*Nice to meet you two!* She greets enthusiastically as Draco and mione look at me confused.

"Ah, right... she said it's nice to meet you guys!" I explain briefly as Eserine nods quickly.

"Nice to meet you aswell.." Draco trails off as he glances at the snake.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance!" Mione smiles politely at the snake as she hisses happily and nods.

*Sorry if we had disturbed you, Eserine, my friends had wanted to meet you and I couldn't say no to them...* I mutter with a bashful smile as I nervously glance off to the side.

*It's no problem at all hatchling! You're welcome here anytime!* Eserine hisses as i blush in embarrassment at the nickname slightly and glance over to the other direction.

"What did you guys say?" Hermione questions as I just shrug.

*Wait... you haven't seen the entire chamber yet!* Eserine exclaims as I look at her confused.

*There is more than just a creepy platform y/n! There's a library, potions room, training room, and a couple bedrooms! Though most of the rooms are dusty since nobody's been down here in forever!* She explains as I nod and smile at her.

"Want to see the other rooms?" I question them as Draco nods while Hermione seems reluctant.

"But if we get caught we could be in a lot of trouble..." she mutters as I roll my eyes with a smile.

"They have a library." I explain as she perks up as she nervously taps her foot on the floor before relaxing and nodding.

"Fine, but if we get expelled then I'm so going to kill you myself!" She warns as I grin at her.


"I suppose it was worth it..." Hermione mutters as she throws herself in the bed and curls into her sheets.

We had just left the chamber of secrets and decided that since it's so late we should just go back to our dorms.

"Told ya' it would be!" I laugh as I purposely fall face first on the bed as I sigh in relief.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now