XLI. The Shaggy Black Dog

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"He just won't open the passageway!" A fifth year complains as most of the slytherins stay outside the common room due to the fact Salazar won't open the passageway.

"Pureblood." Another student states again, salazar won't even glance at him as he focuses on his book.

"Not now, go away." The founder simply states as I roll my eyes with a sigh.

'Salazar, can you open he passageway?' I hiss as the students flinch back, forgetting I can speak parseltounge.

Salazar glances up as he looks at me, closing the book.

"I suppose I can." He sighs and the passageway opens, making most of the students sigh in relief.

Most of the students thank me as I just smile at them before walking to my dorm, the other girls that I share a dorm with stayed in the common rooms.


'I think dumblewhores finally lost his mind.'

I write down in the journal as I cast a silencing charm around me just in case.

'And why's that?'

The handwriting fades in, as fancy as ever making me roll my eyes slightly at the amazing handwriting.

'He has hagrid teaching care of magical creatures and he has dementors patrolling the castle!!!'

Soon after, Tom materializes infront of me as he sits down on the bed across from mine.

"What a madman." He simply states as I grin at him.

"I do have some good news!" I add on with a grin as he quirks an eyebrow.

"Draco finally realizes he has a crush on Harry!" I exclaim as Tom rolls his eyes as a small grin tugging on his lips.

"About time." He says with a slight grin, I nod in agreement.

"Also, I think Harry may be realizing he's being manipulated..." i mutter, much more seriously as riddle nods in acknowledgement.

"Well, let's see how this plays out."


I walk into the girls bathroom as I glance behind me to make sure no one is following me.

'Open.' I hiss as the passageway opens, revealing a dark tunnel as I jump down.

Once I land on the bones, I glance around before getting up.

I dust off my clothes before walking over to the next entryway. I open it again as I walk into the chamber, looking up at the statue of Salazar Slytherin.

'Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the hogwarts four.' I hiss the (rather egotistical) password as the statues mouth opens and Eserine slithers out.

'Y/n!' She exclaims as i grin at her.

"Eserine, nice to see you again!" I greet the basilisk as she hisses happily.


I was walking out to the forest as I notice a familiar black dog in the corner of my eyes.

The dog barks as I pause before deciding to walk over to it.

"Hey buddy... how'd you get here?" I mutter as the dog simply barks in response, I kneel down and pet the dog as it jumps ontop of me, licking my face happily.

I snicker slightly at the dog before it barks agains and jumps off me, it's tail wagging.

"Hm... how about I call you... dusk?" I ask the dog as it barks.

"Alright then..." I mutter as I pet the dog one last time before getting up.

"I'll be back with some treats tomorrow, does that sound alright?" I ask the dog as it wags its tail and barks.

I smile slightly before walking back towards the castle.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now