LXXX. The trial

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Mr Weasley leads us down to a red telephone box as we walk in, the phone box going down as an elevator into the ministry.

I glance around as the room has fireplaces on the side as people continue to floo into the area.

I glance around as a giant projection of what seems to be the minister floats from the ceiling.

*Woaaaaah!!* Nyx hisses as she looks around in awe as I grin, nodding in agreement.

We walk over and get into the elevator as Kingsley soon joins us.

"Oh Merlin.. thank you Kingsley." Mr Weasley says as I turn towards him.

"They've changed the time of your hearing." Mr Weasley explains as Harry turns towards him aswell now.

"When is it?" Harry asks as mr Weasley smiles nervously.

"In five minutes."


We walk down the black stone hallway as we see malfoy talking with someone.

Arthur scowls as he leads us alway, I shrug as I follow the main to the door.

"Remeber, During the hearing, speak only when you're spoken to. Keep calm. You've done nothing wrong. As the muggles say, 'truth will out.' Yes?" Mr Weasley asks as Harry nods, clearly nervous.

"I'm not allowed in, I'm afraid. Good luck, you two." Mr Weasley says as we walk in.


"Disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of august into offenses committed by Harry James potter and y/n lily potter, residents at number four privet drive, little whinging, surrey. Interrogators Cornelius Oswald fudge, minister—" the minister says but gets cut off by the headmaster.

"Witnesss for the defense!" Dumbledore yells as we turn towards him. "Albus percival wolfrick ... Brian ... dumbledore."

"You— you got our message that the time and place of hearing had been changed, did you?" The minister says nervously as dumbeldore ndos curtly.

"I must have missed it, but by a happy mistake, I arrived at the ministry three hours early." Dumbledore explains the minister glares at him. "Charges?"

"The charges against the accused are as follows: that they did knowingly and in full awareness of the illegality of their actions, produce patronus charms in the presence of a muggle. Do you deny producing said patronus?" The minister says as he leans forward.

It's not like dudley didn't know about magic! Would they have rather let the dementors kill us?

"No, but—" Harry tries to explain but gets cut off by the minister.

"And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of seventeen?"

"Yes, we were but—"

"Witches and wizards of the wizenagmot—"

"We were only doing it because of the dementors which are meant to be under your control." I snap at the minister as the people of the wizenagmot start to whisper to eachother.

"Dementors? In little whinging?" A blond woman asks as Harry nods.

"That's quite clever. Muggles can't see dementors, can they, kids? Highly convenient." The minister explains as I scoff at the man's audacity.

"Don't you have veritaserum we can drink to prove we aren't lying?" I ask as the minister pauses, clearly hesitant.

"Well we could, but it would be a waste since you two are clearly guilty, and since you have no witnesses of the event—" the minister tries to say but gets cut off by dumbledore.

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