LXXV. The Graveyard

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And with that, we were teleported to the graveyard, I stand up as I take out the diary, glancing over to see what stone we were infront of.

"I'll explain later but get your wands out." I demand as I glance at the two, they seem confused but nod, taking out their wands and gripping them in their hands.

I open the diary as Tom materialized infront of me, Harry staggers back as he goes to fire a spell but was stopped by me.

"Listen, I know it's confusing but just trust me and don't hurt him, he's on our side." I explain as Harry first his teeth but hesitantly nods.

Tom smirks in triumph as I hit him on the wrist.

"Where are we?" Cedric asks as I turn towards him.

"I've been here before..." Harry mutters as I nod.

"So... the cup was a portkey." Cedric says in astonishment as Harry and him walk over to it.

Harry walks towards a gravestone as he traces his hand along the name.

"Admiring my fathers gravestone?" Tom asks tauntingly as Harry glares at him.

A door suddenly creaks open as wormtail walks out, holding what seems to be an ugly as baby.

I grunt in pain as Tom turns towards me, muttering a spell as mine and Harry's head stop to hurt.

"Yikes, that's what future me has been reduced to?" Tom asks with a grimace as wormtail flinches, looking between the weird baby thing and Tom fearfully.

Wirmtail walks out hesitantly as Cedric points his wand at him.

"Who are you?!" Cedric demands as I glare at the rat like man.

"Kill the spare." The ugly baby thing demands as wormtail raises his wand.

"Avada kedavra!" Wormtail yells as I quickly push Cedric out of the way as the killing curse hits the grass behind me, grazing over my hair ever so slightly.

"Wormtail." Toms voice cuts through the air as wormtail pauses.

"M-my lord...?" Womrtail mutters, clearly confused and scared as the weird baby thing growls.

"Don't listen to my stupid horcrux! Capture the twins!" Voldemort demands as wormtail stands still, confused on what to do.

Tom uses this moment of hesitation as a chance as he mutters, "avada kedavra."

The killing curse fires at the weird baby thing as it gets knocked out of wormtails arms, lying lifelessly on the ground.

"M-my lord!!" Wormtail exclaims as he kneels next to the now-dead weird baby thing.

"Wormtail." Tom states as wormtail flinches, turning towards the boy.

"My lord..." wormtail mutters as Tom grins.

"Can we kill him yet or...?" I ask as wormtail flinches.

"Of course." Tom says as wormtail back away fearfully.

"You can do the honors!" I exclaim while looking up at Tom with stars in my eyes.

"Avada kedavra." Tom says with a grin as wormtails screams before his body flops lifelessly to the floor.

"Anyone going to explain who they were...?" Cedric asks as I turn towards him, I had forgotten he was here.

"Well... it's kind of a long story that I can explain later, but basically, that was Voldemort and his follower, also the person who betrayed my parents." I explain as Cedric stares at me in shock.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now