XXXII. Luna Lovegood

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I yawn as I wake up, clutching the diary in my hands.

I glance around to see I'm in my dorms. Nyx was asleep next to me as she curled around my pillow.

I smile slightly as I open the book and see writing in riddles hand writing.

'Make sure to get the book to potter.'

I roll my eyes at the bluntness but still let the corners of my lips quirk up in amusement.

I then glance around to see pansy was still asleep while mione and daphne had been talking, I look over at the clock and see  it's an hour before classes start.

They didn't notice me yet as I grin at the two before jumping on hermione, she screamed in surprise as pansy laughed.


"So... who is this Tom guy?" Hermione questions as I just shrug with a grin, leading her and Draco down into the chamber.

"This is stupid..." Draco mutters as I grin at him.

Once we entered the chamber, I open the diary as Tom materialized infront of me as he glares at me.

"So there's are you're so-called friends?" He questions as I roll my eyes.

"Yes, they are, now be nice tomcat." I grin at the boy as he scowls.

Hermione and Draco quickly divert their attention elsewhere, trying to hide their grins and attempting to prevent themselves from laughing.

"What did you just call me?..." Tom mutters in frustration as I smile at him innocently.

"I swear to fucking Merlin if you don't shut your trap with the stupid ass nicknames I'll—" he was cut off by me laughing at him.

He glares at me before looking away with a slight pink dusting his face.

Hermione and draco couldn't help but laugh at that.


I walk down the hall, right infront of potter, the hallway was basically empty as I pretend to drop the diary.

I continue walking normally but when I turn the corner I run towards the Slytherin dormitories.

I sigh in relief when I glance back and see he hadn't been following me.

Now I just need to wait...


I walk down the corridor as nyx slithers around my arm, ranting to me story's about her and eserines 'adventures.'

I grin at her before suddenly a body, about the same height as me, crashes into me as I see a blur of blonde, blue, and black before I crash to the ground, nyx falling over to the floor next to me.

"Ow..." i mutter as I rub my head before glancing at whoever ran into me.

I see a blonde girl with a dazed look on her face as she looks at me blankly before a small smile forms on her face.

"Sorry for running into you." She apologizes swiftly as she gets up, then offers me a hand.

I nod as I grab her hand and stand up, letting nyx slither up my leg and back up on my shoulders.

She stares at me blankly before she chuckles softly. I glance as her confused as she smiles at me.

"I do wish you the best of luck with the boy." She says as she looks at me in calmly.

I stare at her in shock as she stops smiling as she seems to realize something.

"Right... I'm Luna lovegood, ravenclaw first year." she introduces as she holds her hand out with a soft smile.

I pause before taking her hand and shaking it. "Y/n potter, Slytherin second year."

"Well, I do hope we see eachother soon y/n. Perhaps by then your... friend.. will have a solid body." She slows down as she says the friend part but swiftly walks away before I can ask.

'What a weird girl' nyx hisses as I snicker at the snakes comment.


I stare wide-eyed as Hermione lays petrified on the hospital bed. Her eyes wide as she had seemed to be holding something— probably the mirror.

I grit my teeth before turning and walking away.


I need to talk to Eserine.


I walk into the chamber as Eserine was seemingly anxious, She perks up once she notices me.

'Y/n!! I'm so ssssorry!! I didn't mean to petrify her! There wassss another sssstudent I had thought wasss!—" she started but was cut off by me petting her.

"It's alright. She's not seriously injured and can be healed. Besides, I'm not the one you should apologize to. But for now, no need to worry. I promise I'm not mad." I explain to her sincerely.

She seems to let out a breath of relief as she nods.

'Thanksss y/n...' she mutters before slithering back into the statue.

"No problem, Eserine..."


"Attention." Snapes voice enters the common room as everyone looks at him.

"Because of.. recent event, some rules will be put in place and become effect immediately: all students will return to their house common rooms by six o' clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." Snape reads the first two rules as everyone glances around.

"Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will shut down." Snape says before swiftly walking off.

As soon as he left, the common room erupted into whispers from different groups.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now