LXIV. Rita Skeeter

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I sit in my dorm as Hermione flips through the pages of her book, pansy was organizing her unreasonably big closet.

Pansy pauses as she looks at me, "do you think Harry will be okay?"

I look back at her as I pause for a moment, I may have sworn on my magic that I didn't put my name willingly into the goblet of fire but Harry hasn't done the same.

"I'm... not sure. I hope the other gryffindorks don't turn against him." I mutter as Pansy sighs and nods.

"If anyone does and you need to ruin their reputation, let me know." Pansy explains with a wink before leaving.

Pansy parkinson, she knew everybody secrets, one rude comment about her and your life is ruined.

I let a grin form on my face as Hermione chuckles in amusement.


"What a charismatic quartet." A women says as we all stand around the chair fleur was sitting in.

I stood next to Harry as krum stood to my left and Harry to my right. Nyx was drawled across my shoulders as nobody seemed to mind the snake.

"Hello." She greets as she walks towards us, "I'm Rita skeeter." She shakes our hands as a small smirk stays on her face. "I write for the daily prophet. But of course, you know that, don't you?"

"It's you we don't know!" She says as she points to us before clapping her hands with a laugh. "Heh, you're the juicy news. What's lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?"

The woman runs her hand along fleurs face as she recoils in disgust but obviously tries not to show it. Rita slaps her on the face before backing up.

"What mystery do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick?" She asks as she wraps her arms around Harry and Cedric.

"Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers!" Rita exclaims with a laugh before turning towards us.

"So, who's feeling up to sharing?" She asks as I back away slightly, the other champions look away as the woman glances at us. "Hm?"

"Shall we start with the youngest?" She says before dragging me off.

"Hey! I'm older by two minutes!!!" I exclaim but the words fall deaf to her ears as she drags me away.


We walk into a small broom cupboard as she stands above me.

"Hm, this is cozy." She states as I roll my eyes.

"It's a damn broom cupboard." I mutter to her as she scoffs.

"You should feel right at home, then." She says as she pushes me down the stairs, I glare at the women but walk down them. "Don't mind if I use a quick-quotes quill, do you?"

"Whatever..." I mutter, knowing the women wouldn't listen no matter what my answer was. I sit down on the stairs as she sits on a small stool.

"So tell me, y/n. Here you sit, a mere girl of twelve—" she gets cut off by me as I glare at the women.

"I'm fourteen." I state while crossing my arms.

"...about to compete against three students, not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself, but who have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt in your dizziest daydreams." She says as i glare at the women.

"Concerned?" She asks as I sigh in disappointment.

"Not at all, I wouldn't—" I stop as I notice the quill continue writing even as I wasnt talking.

"Just ignore the quill. Now, you're no ordinary girl of twelve, are you?" She asks as I glare harder at the women.

"Fourteen." I correct her again as she pays no mind.

"Your story's legend. Do you think it was the trauma of your past that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament?" She asks as I scoff.

"Listen woman, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but listen here. I swore on my magic infront of basically all of Hogwarts students that I didn't willingly enter the tournament nor did i even put my name in the goblet! Now if you'll excuse me..." I snap at the women before getting up and preparing to leave only to be dragged back down.

"Ah, ah, ah, we aren't finished quite yet!" She exclaims with a grin as nyx snaps her jaw at the women threateningly, the women simply glares at the snake.

"Speaking of your parents, were they alive, how do you think they'd feel? Especially about the entire... Slytherin thing." She says as the gestures towards my robes and snake.

"Okay that's it." I state before getting up, the women tries to drag me down again but stops as nyx hisses at her threateningly.

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