XCIX. Sirius's Trial & Custody trial

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Once we arrived back at the empty Slytherin common room, I walked towards the fireplace and stood near it.

"Tempus." I cast as the time appears infront of me.


I glance towards Harry as he nods, three minutes later, Amelia bones walks out, glancing at us.

"Harry and Y/n Potter, I presume?" she asks as I nod.

"And you requested for us to meet to discuss your current guardians, correct?"

"Yep." I respond as she nods, glancing around.

"Well then, let's sit to discuss this." She suggests as she sits down on the couch across from us.

"Alright so I should start by the fact that I have an idea on who can gain custody of us, but he'll need a trial in which he never got." I explain as she pauses, thinking for a moment before turning towards us, surprise written on her face.

"Sirius black, correct?" She asks as I nod in confirmation. "He... never got a trial?"

"Yep, apparently he was 'clearly guilty' and thrown in Azkaban without another word."

"I'll... look into this. And if he isn't able to get a trial anytime soon, who else can take care of you over the summer?"

"Well in our parents wills, the next people to take care of us would be Narcissa Malfoy, Severus Snape, then Minerva Mcgonagall. Alice Longbottom was included but it's clear she and her husband aren't... available to take care of us." I explain as she nods, writing a couple notes down on a sheet of paper.

"Anything else I should be aware of before we move onto the topic of why you are requesting a guardian change?" She asks as I pause for a moment, hesitating wether I should tell her or not.

"Yeah, dumbledore illegally sealed our parents wills." I blurt out as Amelia gapes at me, not being able to keep her composure.

"And... do you have proof of this accusation..?" She asks hesitantly as I nod.

"Gringotts bank can confirm this, we will also answer the question under veritaserum and submit memory's if needed." Harry answers for me as I nod in agreement.

"Well then, onto the topic of why you request the switch in guardians..." she replies, seemingly still in slight shock from the previous statement.

"Well to put it shortly, we lived in a cupboard for the majority of our lives until we turned eleven. We didn't know our own names until we were six, not to mention the constant beatings. We didn't know we had magic until our letters from hogwarts arrived." I answer as Amelia's eyes were wide in shock.

"Your magical guardian never checked in on you or how you were doing? Not even once?" She questions as I nod, a sly grin forming on my face.

"Clearly, Albus dumbledore is a busy man, to the point he couldn't even check on us once those eleven years." I respond as she gapes at me, completely shocked.

"He... he...!" She murmured, not being able to comprehend why he would do such a thing.

"I'll get this brought up to the wizenagmot as soon as possible. Anything else before I go?" She asks as she stands up.

"Hm, no, not yet. I'll see you on the trial day." I say as I wave to the woman with the ladyship rings appearing.

She looks at the rings in surprise before a small smile forms on her face. "Indeed, though I must thank you for the opportunity to bring dumbledore down."

With those last words, she walked back into the fireplace and back to the ministry.


I sit on the hogwarts express, a bored look on my face as luna lies across the seat, her head in my lap as she reads a book. Draco and Harry were across from me, they seemed to ignore eachother but one would send glances at the other every once in awhile.

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