XCI. Death Eater Meeting & the resurrection

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The next day, Tom Decided to officially meet with his death eaters. Most had been getting treatment in the hospital wing at the malfoy manner.

Once we arrived at the malfoy manor, Narcissa bowed respectfully towards each of us before leading us towards the room where the death eaters were gathered.

I grin at him as he sighs, clearly knowing something will happen during this meeting.

Once we walked in, the death eaters immediately bowed.

I glance around the front of the room where I could tell the inner circle were, I recognized some.

The Lestrange twins, Bellatrix Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr, Dolohov, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Mafloy, Karkaroff, and Snape.

My eyes stayed paused at the Professor before I looked back at Tom.

"Stand." Tom simply said as everyone immediately stood, not questioning his words for even a second.

*Well some of them seem pathetic* I murmur as the ones closer to us tensed, hearing the Language that their lord would often use when plotting someone's death.

*seems so.* Tom replies boredly as his eyes skim the crowd.

Tom then goes on some stupid speech before suddenly I hear my name be mentioned as he introduced me with only my first name.

"—I wish for you to know that you will not under any circumstances attack her and will listen to her command as you would if it were me—"

I tune out the rest as I glance at the crowds reactions, the outer circle mainly looked baffled but too scared to say no.

The majority of the inner circle seemed to understand as the curly-haired female caught my eye, she seemed to be absorbing every word he said without hesitation.

At the end, he dismissed his outer circle as they all left the room.

The inner circle stayed put as i glance over at the outer circle leaving, watching as a familiar snake slithers in, I grin as I walk over to the snake.

*who dares—!* she starts at she snaps her jaws at me before realizing it was me.

*oh, little master!* nagini hisses excitedly as the inner circle stares in shock, some looking like they thought they was just about to witness a murder.

I kneel down infront of the snake as I pet her. *who's a good girl!*

I continue to pet the snake for a few minutes until Tom sighs.

"Y/n. Stop treating nagini like a dog."

Some of the inner circles faces paled at that, the snake that they had watched eat entire humans in one bite, being treated like a... dog?

Some shivered at the idea as I roll my eyes but stand up, dusting off my outfit.

As I go over to stand next to the dark lord, the snake followed me at Tom glared at the snake.

*choosing favorites?* Tom murmured as the snake hisses, seemingly laughing.

"Getting back on track, I wish you all to know Y/ns full name and the reason I look as I do." The dark lord says as I whisper to nagini about the death eaters.

Apparently, nagini was really good at finding these cowards secrets.

"Firstly, how I returned was simple. A journal." Tom explained as Lucius face paled excessively.

"...Diary..." I taunt with a grin as Tom glares at me while saying nothing.

"I'll explain more about my... situation once we're done. Now onto the topic of... her." He murmurs with a glare at me as I was happily gossiping with the man-eating snake.

"Before I say anything else, I'll say this. Her full name is Y/n Lily Potter." The dark lord says with a glare at everyone, making sure nobody did anything rash.

I simply blinked at them before going back to gossiping with nagini.

"I don't see how that changes anything my lord, if you trust her then I will aswell." Bellatrix answers as she bows to her lord.

"Great. Now that we've got that taken care of, you are dismissed. Bellatrix, you stay behind." Tom says as the woman stay behind, I glance up at her before straightening my back and standing up.

*we're talking about getting the locket, right?* I confirm as he nods, I grin as I turn towards the death eater.

"I need to ask a favor of you, since you have black blood, right?" I ask as the girl nods.

"Great! Can you call the house elf 'kreacher' and ask him for a locket with an S on it?" I ask the two a bellatrix nods.

"Kreacher!" The girl calls as with a 'pop' the elf appears.

"Does missus bellatrix need anything of kreacher?" The elf asks as she nods.

"I need the locket with the S engraved on it." The demands as the elf hesitates before disappearing and reappearing with the locket, handing it to bellatrix.

"Great. You are dismissed now." Bellatrix says as the elf bows before dissapearing.

Bellatrix observed the locket for a moment before handing it over to me.

I grin at Tom before turning back towards bellatrix.

"Your dismissed, thanks a bunch!" I say to the woman who cackles before happily skipping off.

*so, should we do the ritual now?* I ask the Dark Lord as he nods.


I lay the diary down on the wooden floor, we had gone back to the manor since we did need the remains of a family member.

I cut my palm open and let the blood drip onto the diary 3 times.

Then I put the diadem atop the diary, smashing it open as a whisp of light emerges before going back to the diary.

The diadem then let a light absorb it, when the light faded away, it left an undamaged diadem.

I repeated that same step with the Slytherin Locket and Huffle Cup, destroyed them before they suddenly repair themselves.

Last of all, was the Ring. I lay his fathers bone on the diary and go to lay the ring down until I glance at the stone.

This stone... it seemed... important.

I take the stone out which was rather easy and store it in my pockets before destroying the ring itself on the book.

After awhile, a body formed next to the diary, one which I recognized all too well.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now