XXXVIII. Sirius Black

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I sit on the bed as I sigh and look up and the ceiling, Harry and I had been forced to share a room.

Harry stares out the window, watching as the train passes making the building shake.

He then walks over to a book which was sitting on the small table infront of the fireplace.

He takes the restraints on the book off as the eyes of it open.

He picks up the book as suddenly it tries to bite him.

He backs up and onto the bed as it fell on the floor, it then goes under the bed as I quickly stand up next to Harry.

'Who decided that making a book like that was a good idea?!' Nyx hisses as I laugh at the snake, Harry grins slightly aswell.

The noise the book was making stops as Harry leans over the side of the bed, looking under.

His head shoots up just in time as the book looks around confused before going under the bed again.

Harry then takes his shoe off and drops it down, the book immediately going after it.

Harry jumps down onto the book as I snicker.


Me and Harry walk out the door as we watch a cat chase the familiar rat scabbers around the corner.

"I'm warning you granger, keep that bloody beast of yours away from scabbers or I'll turn it into a yea cozy!" I hear Weasley yell as I perk up.

Hermiones here?

"It's a cat, Weasley. What did you expect? It's in his nature." Hermione responded as me and Harry walk down the stairs.

"A cat? Is that what they told you? It looks more like a pig with hair, if you ask me." Weasel taunts as Hermione glares at him.

"That's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush!" She scoffs as she continues to pet the cat in her hands.

"It's all right, crookshanks... you just ignore the mean little boy." Hermione mutters to the cat who just purred in response.

"Harry!" Weasel boy exclaims as I lean against the side of the stairs.

"Y/n!" Hermione says with a soft smile at me, I wave excitedly at her.


"Egypt— what's it like?" Harry asks weasel boy as I lay my head on Hermiones shoulder. Hermione brushed her fingers through my hair, getting rid of any knots.

"Brilliant! Loads of old stuff, like mummies, tombs. Even scabbers enjoyed himself!" Weasel boy says as the rat tries to get out of his hold.

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cats." Hermione says as weasel boy glares at her

"Yeah, along with the dung beetles." Weasel boy scoffs as I grin in slight amusement.

"You're not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?" George asks as him and Fred walk over to us.

Hermione walks over to Ginny as someone approaches us.

We follow him over as he sighs worriedly.

"Harry, y/n, there are some within the ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you. But I think you two need to know the facts, you both are in danger. Grave danger." He explains as he grabs our shoulders.

"Let me guess, Sirius black?" I question as he glances behind him before sighing and looking at the wanted poster.

"What do you two know about Sirius black?" He asks as I go to answer but was stopped by Harry who answered instead.

"Only that he's escaped from Azkaban." Harry answers as the male sighs and nods.

"Do you know why?" He asks again as I shake my head.

"Thirteen years ago, when you stopped..." he trails off as i quirk at eyebrow.

"Voldemort?" Harry finishes as Weasley shakes his head in slight fear.

"Don't say his name." Weasley demands as Harry looks at him boredly.

"Sorry." He apologizes blankly as Weasley just nods.

"When you stopped... you-know-who, black lost everything, but to this day, he still remains a faithful servant. And in his mind, you two are the only thing that stands in the way of... you-know-who returning to power." He says as I snicker slightly at the idiotic idea.

"And that is why he has escaped from Azkaban. To find you two." Weasley says as he leads up to an area no one can see us.

And how would you know that? There's something wrong with this entire situation that I don't like...

"And kill us..." Harry mutters, seemingly having his suspicions aswell.

"Harry, y/n, I want you two to swear to me that whatever you might hear, you won't go looking for black." Weasley demands as I glare at him suspiciously.

"Mr Weasley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?" Harry asks, far too innocently and seemingly oblivious.

I smirk slightly as I lean against the wall.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now