XXXI. Tom Riddle

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I walk into the girls restroom as I find myrtle sobbing on the windowsill as the restroom had been flooded by the sinks.

"Myrtle? Are you okay? What happened?" I ask the ghost-girl worriedly as she turns to glare at me but stops when she realizes it me.

She flies down infront of me as she starts to sob.

"Here I was, minding my own business, and someone thought it would be funny to throw a book at me!!" She complains as I look at her empathetically as she glares over at something behind me, I glance over to see a black-covered diary.

"Who threw it at you?" I questions as I walk over and pick up the diary, shaking the water off as I put it in my robes.

"I don't know, I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the u-bend thinking about death, and it fell through the top of my head! Mm-hm!" She stops as she sobs before walking off.


I open the diary as I flip through the empty pages before turning the book over.

I glanced at the cover as the bottom it read 'Tom marvolo riddle.'

I look at the diary in confusion before opening it and grabbing a quill.

I dip the quill into the ink as I let a drop of the ink sink into the pages before is disappeared.

'My name is y/n potter!'

I scribbled the words down as sure enough, the worlds sunk to the page and new ones appeared.

'Hello, Y/n Potter. My name is Tom Riddle.'

I stare in awe at the diary before writing down something else.

'Does this book have a charm on it? Or perhaps is it a Horcrux?'

The words sink into the page as the book takes a moment to reply.

'What makes you think it would be a Horcrux?'

The diary avoids the question swiftly as i grin at the book in amusement.

'Well, it's fairly obvious that this is a real person replying, and the fact that you responded right away when if you were an actual person in this time peroid, you probably would have not been able to respond right away. Also there is magic basically dripping off the book.'

The works sink into the page as I suddenly feel my head turn dizzy and black spots appear in my vision. I blink as when I open my eyes I was in the same place, same time, same everything, except for that the diary was closed.

I put the quill down as I glance around the room only to see someone leaning against a wall as they glare at me.

"A second year shouldn't have been able to figure out I was a Horcrux so fast." The boy — Tom riddle — states as I look at him confused.

"What do y—?" I was cut off by him wandlessly accio-ing a knife and holding it against my throat.

"Say one more word as I kill you." He explains as I look at him with a slight grin tugging at my lips before nodding.

They grab the diary as I sit on the table in my room. They lean back against the wall I swung my legs back and forth in a carefree manner.

"How did you even know what horcrux's were?" He questions me as I gesture towards the shelf which had multiple books about dark magic (one of ways to become immortal/live longer than usual).

His eyes widen slightly but his expression barely changes as he glares at me.

*Y/n!* I suddenly hear nyx hiss as I glance over at the vent in the floor and see nyx.

"Hey nyx, how'd the visit to eserine go? She still haven't been caught?" I smile at the snake as she nods excitedly as slithers up my arm.

"Eserine...?" Riddle questions before the knife is against my throat again.

"Take the book to the chamber." He demands as I nod with a slight grin.

He then fades away— back into the book I presume.


I walk into the chamber as eserine seemed to be asleep as she was curled into a ball infront of the statue.

I smile softly as Tom seems to relax, he then glares at me as I grin at him.

"How do you meet her." He demands as I laugh nervously before telling him the entire story of the first time I went to the chamber.


"So... you followed a snake to meet a basilisk that you don't know because she claims they're friends." He deadpans as I chuckle nervously and look away.

"Well, you obviously won't become a problem in my plan..." he mutters mainly to himself but I look at him confused.

"Did you think I just decided to set a basilisk to kill people in the school without a plan?" He questions as I just shrug with a grin.

"You're unbelievable." He states as I grin up at him annoyingly.

"Anyways, I need you to get the book to Harry Potter." He states as i quirk an eyebrow at the sudden request.

"I need him to think it's Hagrid— I have some memories which I can show him that make it seem like it was Hagrid who opened the chamber all those years ago." He explains briefly as I nod before taking the book and putting it in my robes.

"Alright... Could we hang out now!" I ask with stars in my eyes as I look up at him childishly.

He scoffs but thinks about it for a moment before responding, "I suppose... but this doesn't make us friends."

I grin at him before taking his hand and dragging him to the library, leaving nyx behind with Eserine.


I lean against the side of the couch as I read a book about the unforgivables. Riddle had looks at me suspiciously when I grabbed it but shrugged it off.

"Never thought a potter would be so into dark magic." Riddles voice snapped me from my thoughts as I glance at him.

"Well I wasn't raised by the potters, it's not really a suprise I'm not like them since I've never met them." I explain with a shrug as he nods and looks back at the book he was reading.

"Also... what's the overall plan?" I questions as he looks back at me before sighing and putting his book down. I close the book but keep it in my lap as I look at him.

"I plan to manipulate harry into thinking it's not me, then the ginger girl will take the journal back—" I cut him of as i start to snicker slightly.

"What's so funny?" He demands as I grin at him.

"Nothing, nothing, just find it funny you call your diary a journal." I explain teasingly as he scowls at me.

"If you were anybody else you would be dead." He states as I grin happily at him.

"Good im not anybody else then!" I exclaim as he rolls his eyes

"Stupid potter..." he mutters as I glance at him blankly.

"Call me y/n." I state blankly before I snap back to my normal behavior. "Calling me potter is boring!"

He rolls his eyes but nods as I grin happily at him.

"I suppose you can call me Tom then..." he mutters before he picks up the book once again.

"Alright then tommy!" I exclaim with a grin as he glares harshly at me.

"Never call me that again unless you have a death wish." He states as I just grin at him.


I yawn as I sit on the soft couch the library had in it, Tom was sitting on the other side of the couch as I had my knees up as the book layed on my thighs.

"Tired?" Tom asks as I roll my eyes but nod.

"You can fall asleep, I can bring you back to the dormitories." He explains as I smile slightly at him before setting the book down and laying down.

The second my head hits the pillow on the couch, I fall asleep.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now