L. Buckbeak's Death

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Trelawney goes on about seeing something in the crystal as I lay half asleep on the desk with Hermione and Draco next to me.

"Now, what do we have here, hm?" I hear the Professor say as I hurriedly sit up straight.

"Oh, do you mind me trying?" Hermione asks as the teacher laughs as she looks at her expectantly.

"The grim... possibly." Hermione says as the professor turns towards her with a blank expression.

"My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of divination." She pauses as she grabs hermiones hand before continuing. "No, you see, there? Ah, you may be young in years, but the heart rat beats beneath you bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's. Your soul, as try as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave, mm-Hmm."

Hermione scoffs as she yanks her hand out of the old woman's grasp and knocks the crystal ball off the table before leaving.

The class whispers as the teacher looks around confused.

"Have I said something?"


"I can't believe they're going to kill buckbeak." I mutter as Draco gives me an apologetic glance before we continue walking towards hagrid shack.

"It just got worse..." Draco suddenly mutters as I look over and see Weasley and lavander standing there with grins.

"I bet their friendship is going to fall apart after this." Weasley laughs as lavander chuckles.

Hermione glares at the two as she walks towards them, me and Draco quickly follow behind.

"Ha! Looks who's here!" Lavander mocks as I glare at the girl. Nyx hisses at her threateningly as she flinches back but remains glaring at us.

"Come to see the show?" Weasley laughs as Hermione walks towards him annoyed.

"You foul little cockroach!" Hermione says as she pushes her wand against weasleys throat.

"Go Hermione!" I cheer as Draco shakes his head with a grin tugging on his lips.

"He's not worth it." Draco says as I pout slightly.

Ron looks away fearfully before Hermione slowly puts her wand down.

Ron chuckles as she starts to walk away, she quickly turns around and punches him square in the face.

"Ron!" Lavander screeches before quickly running off with Ron.

"That felt good." Hermione states as I grin at her proudly.

"I should probably get going, I just... don't think I'll be welcome there." Draco mutters before walking back towards the castle.


Hermione and I walk down to Hagrids house as I see buckbeak calmly sitting in the field of pumpkins.

"Oh look at 'im, loves the smell of trees when th' wind blows through 'em." Hagrid mutter sadly as I look at the hippogriff.

"Can't you just like... set him free?" I ask as hagrid sighs and shakes his head.

"Ah, they'd know 't was me, and then dumbledore would get int' trouble. He's coming down, you know, dumbledore. Says he wants t' be with m' when they... when 't 'appens." Hagrid and explains as I sigh and nod.

"Great man, dumbledore. Great man!" Hagrid says as i scowl at the mention of the man before putting on a blank expression as I nod dryly.

"We can stay here with you too, hagrid." Hermione exclaims as hagrid turns towards her.

"You'll do no such thing!" Hagrid denies as he looks at the two of us. "Think I want you seeing something like that? No, you just drink your tea and be off."

"Oh! An' before you do, y/n..." hagrid trails off as he goes to grab something.

He grabs the familiar rat as I perk up and grin at the rat, the rat tries to scurry away but can't in Hagrids hold.

"Make sure to return this t' ron! Also 'ell 'im to keep a closer eye on his pets." Hagrid says as I grab the rat.

Nyx hisses at it as it tries to run away, once again, but fails.

"Well looks like Weasley owes someone an apology..." Hermione mutters before suddenly a jar breaks, making me turn to look at it.

"Blimey! What was that?" Hagrid says as Hermione looks over and picks up a rock.

Something then hits me on the head as I grunt and glance behind me.

"Hermione." I mutter as she and hagrid look out the window and see the executioner out the window.

"It's late, it's nearly dark. Ye' shouldn't be 'ere! If someone sees ye' outside th' castle this time of night, you'll be 'n trouble— big trouble! Particularly you, y/n." Hagrid says as he grabs something while pointing at me.

Loud knocks on the door make me glance at it as Hagrid yells back at them. "Be with you 'n a moment!"

"Quick. Quick!" Hagrid whispers as the two of us run out the back door.

We watch as once the three men step inside, we run over towards the forest and hide behind the pumpkin.

A stick snaps as Hermione snaps her head back, eyes wide. I look back aswell as I give her a questioning look.

"I thought I just saw... never mind." Hermione mutters as I sigh.

"We better get going." I suggest as Hermione nods hesitantly.

We run up towards the castle, with one last glance at buckbeak.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now