XCII. Found

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I sit in my dorm, the rest of the students in class as I hold the diary in my hands.

After Tom's resurrection, he had a solid body and didn't need to stay in the diary anymore.

However, after all that time in the diary, he can still possess it.

Though the way he possess it is different now, he can think/say something and it will appear in the diary if he wants.

His actual body remained at the malfoy manor which he temporarily made into a base until he can officially claim lordship of the Slytherin line.


"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember!" Harry explains as they all go to try summoning a patronus.

"A full-bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce, but sheild forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents." I explain as Ginny casts the spell, the head of a horse neighing before fading away.

"Amazing, Ginny! Just remember, the patronus can only stay for as long as you stay focused. So, focus!" harry exclaims as I watch Hermione cast an otter patronus.

A couple more people casts their patronus's before suddenly everything goes quiet and the room starts to rumble.

I pause as I walk towards the mirror, flinching back as it shatters.

"I'll make short work of this." Umbridge's voice says as I glance in the triangular hole. Umbridge points her wand at it as I quickly grab nigel out of the way.

"Bombarda maxima."

The wall explodes as the inquisitorial squad stands there, all except the select few younger years looking guilty. A random third year thens shoves Cho into view as he grins.

The entire inquisitorial squad was set up there by me except for those three who I couldn't stop from joining.

I sigh umbridge grins, she then snaps, "get them!"


"I've been watching them for weeks. And see, 'dumbledores army' proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius." Umbridge says as me, Harry, and Cho get dragged into dumbledores office.

"See! All your fear about you-know-who never filled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were— a smoke screen for your bid to seize control of the ministry!" Umbridge explains as fudge turns towards her.

"Naturally." Dumbledore says as I pause, glancing at the man. "It seems I've been found, as the parchment clearly says 'dumbledores army.' I instructed these two to form this organization. And I, and I alone, an responsible for its activities."

"Send an owl to the daily prophet. If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, shacklebolt, you will escort dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition." Fudge says as they approach dumbledore.

"Ah, I thought we might hit this little snag. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to— what was the phrase?" Dumbledore trails off, "come quietly. Well, I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this! Take him!" Umbridge orders before fawkes comes flying in as Dumbledore grabs it tail, making them burst into flames as disappear.

"Well, you may not like him, minister, but you can't deny... dumbledore has got style."


We write our papers as the rooms stays silent, umbridge sitting in the front of the classroom with a smile on her face.

I sigh quietly before shaking my head, continuing to write.

Once the class was finished, we all silently walked out. I walk out next to Harry only to be stopped by Cho.

"Harry..." She mutters as she walks towards us but stopped once we continued walking.


"Y/n, Harry, it's not your fault, no one can win against the old hag..." Hermione mutters as as walk down the corridor. "Even dumbledore didn't see this coming. If it's anyones fault, it's mine, I talked you into it."

"Yeah, but we agreed." I mutter as I refuse to face the female.

"We tried so hard to help, and all Its done is make things worse." Harry mutters.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Because I don't want to play anymore, all it does is make you care too much. And the more you care, the more you have to lose. So maybe it would be better just to..." I trail off as Hermione glances at me.

"To what...?"

"To go into it alone." Harry finishes my sentence.

We stay silent before I hear hagrid calling to us, I glance over to see him trying to hide behind an archway.


𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now