CI. Minature Death Eaters?

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I sigh, glancing up from the book in reading to see Harry writing over up at the wall, seemingly zoned out.

"Harry?" I ask only to receive no answer.


No answer.


No answer.

"Harry James potter!" I hiss as Harry's eyes dart towards me.

"Oh... sorry about that, this is just so..." Harry trails off, not knowing how to word it.

"Weird?" I supply as Harry nods, making me grin.

"Well, its be better than staying at the dursleys." I shrug as Harry nods in agreement.

"Would it be alright if I invited some people over? Just luna, Hermione, pansy." I ask as Harry rolls his eyes.

"Even if I said no, you still would invite them."

I snicker as Harry sighs, an exhausted look on his face.

"I wish there was an easier way to communicate with them..." I murmur before I suddenly stand upright, startling Harry.

"Miniature death eaters!" I recall one of Weasleys insults as Harry raises an eyebrow.


"Let's form a group of something similar to death eaters! So then I can call them like Tom can with the dark mark!"

"..." Harry didn't respond as I grin at him before walking over to my desk and started to sketch ideas down.

"What should we be called? Hm... Ill leave it up to a group vote! The members... definitely Luna, Hermione, you, Draco, and Pansy... maybe the twins?" I pause before writing down their names aswell.

"Maybe cedric and fleur aswell?" I ponder to myself before turning towards Harry who hasn't said anything.

"You're unbelievable." Is all he says as I grin at him.

"You know you love me though!"

"Unfortunately." Harry sighs before sitting down next to me.

"So... the mark? What will it look like?"

"I was thinking maybe a fox and a snake!" I respond excitedly as Harry raises an eyebrow.

"A fox? I get the snake... parseltongue and everything... but why a fox?" He asks as I grin at him as I turn towards the paper.

"Fox's are well known to represent playfulness and mischief. But they also represent intelligence, protection, and good fortune! I'd say we fit that criteria pretty well."

"All except the good fortune part..." Harry murmurs as I roll my eyes.

"Blame Dumbledore and Tom for that."


I sit in the couch with Harry across from Luna, Hermione, Draco, and Pansy with a grin on my face.

"So.. why did you ask for all of us here again?" Pansy asks as I glance at her.

"Well pans," she glared at the nickname, "after some very thorough thinking, I decided that... we should become something similar death eaters!"

They all stared at me like I've gone crazy, Pansy's mouth parted in shock as luna blinks.

"Not serving the dark lord directly but being something that branches off the death eaters."

"I agree." Luna says as Pansy looks between her, me, and Harry before deflating.

"Well I'm not about to miss out on this fun." Pansy agree's as I turn towards Hermione and Draco.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now