CII. Shadow Stepping, Animagus Forms, & Umbridge's Trial

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Once a month had passed, the six of us met up again.

Shadow stepping took roughly about three weeks to learn, though it was difficult and ended up with being transported to random locations more than once. I ended up in the middle of the ocean outside some random cave once!!!

Finding my animagus form however, took a month given the fact I had to hold the leaf of a mandrake in my mouth for the entire time.

Once I finally was able to transform into an animagus, I was slightly surprised to find out my animagus form had been a brownish-red fox, my heterochromia eyes staying the same.

Harry's had been a stag, similar to our father's. Draco's was a ferret, Luna's was a raccoon, Pansy's was a raven, and Hermione's was a small caracal cat.

I lay across the couch, my legs laying over my brother lap as my head lays on a pillow on the other side of the couch.

On the couch across from us, Hermione and Pansy were talking as Draco reads a book.

Luna was on the floor with tarot cards spread infront of her.

Suddenly, an owl barges in and drops a letter on my head, landing atop my eyes. I take the letter and glance over to see Harry got one aswell. I shrug as I open mine first, watching as it flies up and speaks.

"Lady Ravenclaw-Evans, the ministry has received intelligence that at Dolores Umbridge's time at hogwarts, had stolen and used blood quills on student. We request your presence today at 7:00pm sharp. Hoping you are well, mafalda hopkirk." The letter explains before turning back into a normal letter and falling to the ground.

A grin forms on my face as Harry opens his, it being the same content as mine. I nod at the owl as it hoots before flying out the window.

"Tempus." I cast simply as the time appears, '6:14.'

"Well I'm going to get ready. Also I should go find Nyx..." I trail off as I think back to the snake. Most of the time we've spent here, she's been hanging out with nagini.

"Me aswell."


As Harry and I walk into the ministry and take our seats, umbridge sat in the middle with a glare directed at us.

"What are these children doing here? I doubt they even know how these trials work." Umbridge says, her kind facade falling apart as I raise an eyebrow at her, a small grin playing on my face.

"In case you don't remember, we ourselves were put on trial in the beginning on this school year since someone decided to send dementors after us." I remind her as she pauses before angrily looking back down at the floor infront of her.

I smile as I sit next to Harry, waiting for every else to arrive. I'm about ten minutes, everyone was here.

"Trial hearing of the seventeenth of august, accused, Dolores Jane Umbridge. Interrogator, Amelia Bones. Charges are as follows: stealing from the ministry, using blood quills on students, abuse of power, and torture. How do you plead?" Madam Bones asks as I grin at umbridge.

"Not guilty."

"Do you consent to the use of veritaserum?" Madam bones questions as umbridge hesitates.

"...yes." Umbridge agrees reluctantly as madam bones nods at the auror, letting the auror walk over to her and giving her the veritaserum.


"Dolores Jane Umbridge." She answers monotonously, her eyes glazed over.

"The veritaserum is working." The auror informs as madam bones nods.

"Right then. Dolores Jane Umbridge, did you willingly without any compulsions or use of imperio use blood quills on students?"

"N— Yes." Umbridge says, failing to try and deny what she did.

"Dolores Jane Umbridge, did you willingly without any compulsions or use of imperio steal from the ministry?"


"Dolores Jane Umbridge, did anybody willingly help you in torturing the students?"


"...Dolores Jane Umbridge, did you think that you would get away with this?"


"Give her the veritaserum antidote." Madam bones demands as the auror nods, looking at Umbridge with a disgusted expression plastered on his face before handing her the antidote.

"All in favor of convicting the accused of all charges." Everyone's hand went up as Amelia nods, banging the gavel down.

"Convicted of all charges. Mrs Umbridge, you are sentenced to life in Azkaban for theft, use of blood quills, abuse of power, and torture. Aurors, escort her to Azkaban" Madame Bones announces as the aurors cast a silencing charm at the screaming umbridge and drag her out of the room.

"Thank you, wizengamot, for your service today. Court is adjourned."

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