LXIX. Yule Ball

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"The Yule ball has been tradition of the triwizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity." Snape explains as the girls were on one side of the room and boys were on the other.

"As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this litterally, because the Yule ball is, first and foremost, a dance." Snape boredly explains as the half the students gasp and start to talk to each other while the other half groans in annoyance.

"The house of Salazar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like idiots!" Snape commands as the students flinch back.

"Now. Malfoy, parkinson, I trust you two already know how to dance properly?" Snape questions as they nod and step forward.

Draco puts his right hand on pansy's waist as they extend their arms and waltz around the room once the music comes on.

"Everyone partner up now." Snape demands as I glance around before deciding just to partner up with Blaise.


"How do I get potter to go to the Yule dance with me?" Draco asks suddenly with a blush as I roll my eyes with a grin.

"I don't know just ask him?" I shrug as he groans in annoyance.

"Yes, but how?!?!" He snaps annoyed as I snicker before walking away, leaving him alone with his thoughts


"Sooo... who should I go to the Yule ball with?" I ask Hermione as she glances at me with a small smile.

"Well.. krum asked me..." she mumbles with a slight blush as I grin at her.

"That's so cool!! Nobody's asked me yet." I pout as Hermione laughs softly.

"Youre y/n potter, there isn't any way nobody will ask you." She states as I roll my eyes.


"Y/n, would you like to go to the Yule ball with me?" Fleur asks as I stare at the female infront of me in shock.

"I.. what...?" I mutter as fleur laughs quietly.

"While I sadly don't harbor any romantic attraction to you, we both lack a date so I just figured I would ask you." She explains as I let out a sigh of relief.

Okay... so she doesn't have a thing for me... thank god. I mean, I love women and all but fleur just... she's more like an older sister figure.

"Well in that case, of course!" I exclaim as she smiles at me before turning around.

"I'll see you at the Yule ball then."


I pace around my dorm nervously, wondering if my dress is good enough.

My dress had a corset which tied over my black gown. I had over the shoulder sleeves. The dress itself had multiple lace layers which went down to my ankles but it wasn't too poofy, I wore black lace gloves to match as I wore some simple black heels. I left my hair down as I wore a black clip of some roses.

"Y/n! Calm down you look gorgeous!" Hermione comforts as I sigh and nod slowly.

"I'll see you down in the hall?" She asks as I nod, she smiles softly at me before walking out.

I sigh as I walk over to my bedside table, opening it and taking out the diary.

I open the diary as Tom materialized infront of me.

He stares at me blankly before asking, "what's with the dress?"

I sigh, shaking my head before looking at him with a deadpanned look.

"Yule ball, I told you earlier." I say as I cross my arms.

"Oh, right. Who are you going with?" He asks again with a more annoyed look as I grin.

"Are you jealous, tommy boy?" I tease as he scoffs with a light tint of pink dusting his cheeks.

"As if. I'm just curious." He mutters as I laugh at the boy.

"Sure, sure. Anywho, I'm going with the champion from beauxbatons, fleur delacour." I explain as Tom raises an eyebrow at me.

"Really?" He asks as I nod, sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah, we don't like eachother like that or anything, but we both lacked dates." I explain with a shrug as he seems with smirk slightly.

"Good." Is all he says before going back to the diary.

I stare at the diary with slight confusion before shrugging, walking down to the hall. I left nyx to wander the dormitory after giving her a couple dead mice since I would be out for awhile.


Me and Fleur walk arm in arm out to the great hall. Hermione walked in with Krum, Cedric with Cho, and finally Harry with Parvati.

We walk into the center of the room as fleur puts her my hand on my waist.

We dance as fleur smiles at me calmly. Slowly, other people join us on the dance floor as fleur lifts me into the air.

We dance elegantly for a couple minutes before a man yells, "are you ready?!"

The music switches as I grin, continuing to dance with fleur, not noticing a certain weasley glaring daggers at me.

Fleur then drags me off the dance floor as she smiles at me before kissing my hand politely and walking away to get drinks.

I smile as Harry glances at me with a proud grin. Weasley glared at me as I shrug him off. Almost immediately after, Hermione came over and sat with us.

"Hot isn't it?" Hermione asks as I snicker at the lovestruck girl.

"Victors gone to go and get drinks. Would you care to join us?" She asks as Weasley scoffs.

"No, we'd not care to join you and viktor." Ron states as Hermione rolls her eyes.

"What's his deal?" Hermione mutters as I snort.

"Let's go, Hermione." I mutter as she nods, leaving a pissed Ron behind.

We walk back to the dance floor as I glance over and notice Draco dragging potter out of the hall.

I snicker quietly as I poke Hermione and point towards the two. she's grins in amusement before we both go back to dancing.


I walk into my empty dorm with a grin on my face as I flop down onto my bed.

I roll over and pull my legs up on my bed as I sit up, now sitting with my legs crisscrossed.

I grab the diary and open it, Tom materializing shortly after.

"Well, how was the ball?" He asks as he leans against the bed frame of the bed right next to mine.

"Amazing! Hermione ended up going with viktor!" I explain with a grin as I take off my gloves, using a levitation spell to float them back to my closet.

"Really? That's... surprising." He mutters as I nod with a small grin.

"Draco dragged Harry out of the hall." I explain with a playful grin as he snorts.

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