Chapter 16 -"Hated love..."

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I couldn't react as I am too thunderstruck to hear her out. Nandini closes her eyes again and mutters,

"My baby. Is he alive?"

Her voice is frail yet stern. Oh, that means she knows that the baby is a boy. How stupid I am! She herself is a doctor. I was about to answer when the nurse enters pushing an incubator. She is prompt to follow her seniors' instructions. Nandini's attention shifts toward her baby. I observe the surprise, love and pain that shimmering in her eyes. She quivers her lips once again. The nurse places the incubator beside her bed and mouths in a tender manner,

"He is fine now. How are you feeling Ma'am? Pain is less?"

Nandini doesn't reply as her full concentration is on the baby. I know she must be hoping to take him in her lap but it's not possible right now. He is still unstable and needs oxygen. Nandini tries to lift her upper body, so that, she can get a full view of the baby. The nurse immediately nears and forbids her,

"No, Ma'am. Don't move. You may bleed again. It was a complicated operation. Sir, (She indicates to me) did his best to save you and the baby's life. Without him, it won't be possible."

Oh, Man! This nurse talks too much. I didn't want her to know this. I don't want to portray a saviour's role in her life either. But this revelation doesn't affect Nandini much. She totally ignores the nurse's request and again tries to sit. I am fed up with her stubbornness.

"Didn't you hear what she told? Don't move. Your stitches are still oozing."

I mouth roughly. She looks at me straightly. For the very first time, I realise that she knows that I am also in this room. Her face hardens in concentration.

"Get him to me."

She asks the nurse; however, her eyes haven't left my piqued expression. Anger hits my mind. I almost rush toward her bed and claw her by her shoulders.

"Lie down. Or else I know how to control your obstinance."

My hoarse words halt her for a moment. All the staff of this hospital know about my temper. This nurse is no exception. I hear a low mumble under her shaky tone,

"Sir, relax..."

I ignore her. Since yesterday, the moment I came to know about Nandini, my mind is under turmoil. I am getting tossed between emotion and duty. Her irresponsible behaviour adds fuel to that fire. We are still looking at each other, trying to dominate each other with our unsaid words.

"I am no longer under you control, Dr Malhotra. Thanks for your help but I am fine enough to take my baby and you can't stop me from that."

Her dour words slash on my face. However, I didn't lose my grip on her body.

"Yes, I can. Because I am more concerned about the baby's health. Can't you see, that he is under intensive care? He needs a continuous oxygen supply. How can you take him out of this incubator? Or you are just faking your profession, Dr Nandini Hebbar!"

I answer her with equal obstinance. I hate her stubbornness. The nurse again tries to disarm me,

"Sir, Please! She is under recovery."

This time all my frustration and rage shift to her. I leave Nandini and flip to the nurse.

"I know she is under recovery. I only operated on her. And I only told you to shift the baby's incubator to this room. But I forgot that some people never change. They do whatever they consider right. They don't think that it can harm the other person. And please stay away from this matter. She is still my patient. So, she is bound to obey my instructions. Get lost."

I yell at the nurse. She forgets to react as it was out of the blue. I raise my voice more and yell,

"Didn't you hear? Get lost. I will handle her."

My harsh words flinch her and after a low apology, she leaves the room.

"Who told you to treat me? There are many doctors over here who must be more efficient than you. At least more sober and modest."

Her venomous voice forces me to give attention to her. A sarcastic smile creeps on my lips. Today I have a ball to settle the score with her.

"Oh really? Then who told you to come over here for the delivery? Or I should say who told you that I am here to take your case in my hand? Because as you were mumbling my name in your unconscious state, that clearly shows how much you wanted me to treat you, Mrs Hebbar. Moreover, a doctor's efficiency can't be evaluated by his modesty or soberness rather it should be judged by his proficiency. If some other person had been in my place, he would have never agreed to even take your case in his hand after whatever you did to me, Mrs Nandini Hebbar. At least thank me to save your and your baby's life."

I didn't skip any point to break her vanity. Nandini is still looking at me with wide-open eyes. Just like the day I threw her out of my home and of my life. Her lips quiver and she mouths in a broken voice,

"I don't know why I called you in my unconscious state. When in reality, I don't even want to see your face on my deathbed. Maybe I still had some guilt that I did wrong to you. But you again proved me wrong. I won't thank you for saving our lives because I would have preferred to die rather than be helped by you."

She gets down from the bed with difficulty. This time I don't stop her. Let her do whatever she wants to do. Live, die, go into a coma, I don't care. She nears the incubator with stagging steps still having the IV attached to her vein. Such a stubborn soul she is. I flare my nose. She opens the incubator door carefully and inserts her hand to touch the baby. The baby boy stirs a bit amidst his sleep. I observe tears in her eyes. My heart feels uneasy.

"Whom should I talk to about my bills?"

She asks in a tired voice. I know she is asking about the hospital authority. Till now, we haven't charged anything to her. My sour tongue doesn't want to waste the opportunity to hurt her again. I scoff out,

"To your husband, of course. After all, he is the father of your baby so, ideally, he should pay the bill. But surprisingly we still haven't seen his face. Almost 24 hours have passed and he is still undercover. Let me guess! Did he also leave you, Dr Nandini? Tch...tch...tch...even your great father couldn't choose a perfect husband for you. Or it should be said, you can't be a perfect wife for anyone. You can't be suitable for anyone, Nandini Murthy. First, you ditched me for your husband and then you ditched him for some other one. Am I right or am I right...Nandi..."

My words halt as her palm forcefully contacts my cheek. It was so powerful that I stagger back a bit.

"Stop...stop your filthy mouth, Manik before I do something which I don't want to do. Don't stoop so low that you can't forgive yourself."

She keeps panting and continues,

"I don't need to justify myself to you but you questioned my character so, I have to speak. Smaran is far better than you. At least he is a better human being. I married him because my father wanted this. And he was not wrong choosing him over you. You truly didn't deserve me. Just like I didn't deserve Smaran. You know Manik, I couldn't ditch him in the name of marriage when I still loved some other person. Yes, some other person. That unfortunately was you. I couldn't be in a relationship where he had to give his name to my boy when it is not...."

She abruptly stops. What did she mean by that? When it is not...I unmindfully repeat her lines,

"When it is not?"

She looks into my eyes and grits out,

"He is my baby. Only mine."

Author's note: All were wanting MM update. So, here it is. In the next chapter, flashbacks will be there. Hope you enjoyed Nandini's entry. Keep reading.🙏❤

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