stuff you need to know

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Call me Shinsou or Starburst I go by she/her and I'm bisexual.

I suck at punctuation so dont try to correct me. Some characters may not act like they do in the anime so don't comment things like 'He wouldn't say/do that' or other things like that

This concludes ships you may not like so if you see them and dont like them then just dont read em.

This also includes some ships you may not of heard of. But no illegal ships at all.

Shout out to my besties♡
Fav writer❤•Sanegiyuulife
Non-binary queen👑❤•DomaKisser
Girl boss•ShinazugawaTanako
First bestie❤•Pansexual-Menace
My queen❤👑•DakiUmeSan

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