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Kana was in class not paying attention, drawing on her desk, as her classmates talked loudly, despite their teachers wishes.

Deysha was across the room, talking to a few people she'd probably befriended, and before she knew it Deysha was already in front of her. "I wouldn't bother her she's always angry" a boy's voice called out, that was Miguko Koto, brown eyes, black hair. He enjoyed picking on people in a tease-ish manner.

"I don't know she may have a chance did you see how much they've talked to each other lately" Kogu Akira, brown hair and grey eyes. "I've seen them out in public before" Kalani kisycle said, dark blue hair and grey eyes. Before they knew it murmurs about the two females, were all across the room.

The teacher came back from the bathroom making everyone quiet down and return back to their seats. "Class, we have a school festival coming up, and they have chosen our class to participate. There will be 5 people to wear traditional clothing and get takken pictures of" "those people will pose for the school. 2 other schools will be participating in this festival. The school board will choose which school had the best photos, a week after the festival.

"Those five students will be chosen by me" the teacher said "how about, Peirce, Kogu, Tomioka, Kinen and Tsuyuri" the teacher announced. "The festival takes place on new year's" "clothing and accessories will be provided."

After about an hour of class and the teacher explaining the festival, the bell finally rung, which meant they could go home for the day. Deysha and Kana usually walked together or if it was raining, they'd get a ride home from someone.


It's been a day or so and Kana was planning on going somewhere with her friends and wanted to invite Deysha to tag along. There was this carnival that just opened back up for the season. Kana's been there a few times when she was younger with Giyuu and Tsutako.

She and Deysha had been with each other since 9am it was currently 4:57pm.

"Deysha" Kana said to Deysha who was playing with her hair, "yes?" Deysha responded. "How would you feel about going to a festival today?" Kana asked, Deysha paused for a moment "sure" Deysha's response sounded a little dry "Are you sure? You don't have to go if you don't want to" " yeah, I wanna go, I've just never been to one before" Kana made an 'Oh' face. "Well, I'm glad I'm the one you get to share your first experience there with" Kana said with one of her rare smiles.

They got picked up a few hours later by a friend who already had 3 other people in the car. "So, the rumors about you and Peirce-san are true?" Yukio-San said (Yukio Kaito is in Kana's 4th period class, misty pink hair with brown eyes).

"I guess, what are the rumors exactly?" There was a sigh from Yasu-San (Yoshiko Yasuko, also in Kana's 4th period and 6th period class. White hair green eyes) before he said, " About you two being friends, or others say that you two are dating" Yoshiko said calmly "Second rumors right" Kana said plainly.

"HAH! You owe me 500-yen Yumi" Yukio said (Yoshiko Yumiko, Yasu's younger twin sister has the same features as Yasu, but she's female). "What!! I didn't even know Kana tolerated someone other than us!" Yumi said.

"Yumi, you need to stop making these deals, you're wasting your money" Yasu said. "A deal is a deal" Yumi pulled her wallet out and took 500 yen out. "Kiko-san you've been really quiet, you good up there" Yukio said fanning himself with the money. (Hikikomori Soniko, Kana was introduced to him. Black hair and pink eyes). "I like to pay attention to the road, unlike you people with no driver's license".

Kiko-San and Yukio-San dated since they were Freshman, while Yasu's girlfriend went to another school, so they only saw each other while walking home from school or on the weekends/days off. Yumi was single but she had her eye on someone, or at least she said she did.

"Were like five minutes away from the carnival so get your stuff ready." Kiko-San said about tired of everyone's shenanigans, "Yes sir!" Yukio said grabbing his book bag and phone, everyone else grabbed their stuff (I'm too lazy to put everything they grabbed so please bear with me).

"So Peirce-San you got any siblings?" Yumi asked "My younger sister and my older sister" Deysha replied with a big smile. They got to the gates of the park where you'd pay for tickets, they were 150 yen for kids under 10 and under and 200 yen for anything over 10. Kana took out 400 yen from her wallet and paid for her and Deysha, "I'll pay you back okay" Deysha said, "You don't have to I paid for you willingly" Kana said. Everyone else paid for their tickets and they entered the park. "What do you guys wanna do first??" Yukio asked them, "we should ride the gravitron!" Yumi spike

"Why not" Kiko said "If I ride that I'm guaranteed to throw up". Yasu said, "Then don't ride it" Kiko said "I'm up for it" Kana said "Me too then I guess" Deysha said smiling.


After riding the gravitron they decided to ride the swing ride, which also spun the two rides were not very good combinations. Kiko threw up after the third ride (comment a ride and that can be the third ride, because I don't remember carnival rides from the top of my head). It was already getting dark by now, and they decided to get something to drink and eat, then ride a few more rides and call it a day. They went to one of the stands and got fries with ketchup, Deysha and Kana shared one, Kiko and Yukio shared and Yasu and Yumi shared one. They all either got a coke or a sprite.

After they ate, they rode about 4 more rides before Yumi decided that she wanted a funnel cake before they left, Yukio agreed with her cause he was still hungry (he was on his phone while they were eating, and Kiko ate most of the food). So, they got a funnel cake and an elephant ear on the way out of the park. Kana and Deysha shared the elephant ear since Kana didn't want to share it with anyone other than Deysha.

Kiko dropped everyone off at home, before heading back to his own home with Yukio (they live together)


Thank you all for waiting so patiently for this to come out. I've been going through a rough time and I only just managed to finish this, I know it isn't long considering the amount of time I was given to make this. But I hope you all atleast enjoyed❤️.


Ps. This:(⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ stares into my soul and I hope it stares into yours too♥️♥️.

Also please point out any mistakes 🙏🏾🙏🏾

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