dinner with the Shinazugawa's

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Giyuu and Sanemi decided to start telling people about their engagement.

Although Shinobu wasn't the most surprised neither was Kanroji, because Tsutako went straight to Kanae after Sanemi asked for her permission, who went to Shinobu who told Kanroji and so on, so they technically didn't need to tell many people because of that reason. It got around fast.

The only thing that was left was to tell Sanemi's family the news.

Giyuu and Sanemi's siblings and his mother got along well.


Giyuu and Sanemi were in Sanemi's car driving to his house which was an hour and a half away. Giyuu was asleep with a blanket laid on his body, and his arm supporting his head that is propped up on the window. Sanemi's hand had a grip on Giyuu's thigh, on which Giyuu's hand (the other one) was on top of his hand.

They were driving in the car for about an hour and 27 minutes and they were about to turn onto the road next to the road Sanemi's house was on.

Giyuu was starting to slowly stirr around as they turned onto the street. The Shinazugawa family most likely wasn't expecting them over. But Sanemi knew around this time his mom would be making dinner (🍝🍲🥗🥙) or atleast starting it. As Sanemi turned into the driveway he looked over to Giyuu who was slowly starting to sit up, while he rubbed his eyes.

Sanemi unbuckled his seat belt and excited the car going around to Giyuu's side and opened his door, as Giyuu started to unbuckle his seat belt exciting the car, "here get on my back" Sanemi crouched down as Giyuu hopped onto his back, putting his head into the crook of his neck as his arms sloped to the side of him.

Giyuu didn't weigh much so he was easy for Sanemi to carry him.
Sanemi knocked on the door as he couldn't open the door without the keys he left in the car, being greeted by his little brother Genya "Ma! Nemi's back!" Genya yelled before running back to the couch to finish his game with two of their younger siblings, his sister Sumi and brother Teiko. "Hi Nemi!" His sister called out only glancing at him before going back to the game, "hey Nemi" his younger brother called out.

"Sanemi! Dear welcome back home" Shizu said as she walked up to her son who was much more taller then her "hey ma" Sanemi said as his mother pulled him down placing a kiss on both his cheeks.
"I see you bought Giyuu with you!" Shizu said smiling brightly "here come lay him down on the couch dinner will be ready soon" Shizu said, as she walked up to the couch that the three of his siblings were on "shoo shoo" she said as she pushed them off the couch, "ma were playing a game!" Genya yelled out "shh Giyuu is asleep" "he needs his rest before dinner" she said turning to Sanemi with a smile as she grabbed his hand walking him over to the couch "lay him here, I'm gonna finish dinner!" Shizu said with a bright smile, as she walked away.

Sanemi placed Giyuu on the couch, laying down next to him laying him on his chest.
Sanemi watched his younger siblings play on Genya's Nintendo switch, they were playing super smash bros, Genya and Sanemi would usually play it together whenever Sanemi had time, or if he had owed the time to him.

Sumi was playing as Corrin, Teiko played as little mack and Genya played as Steve (from Minecraft)

So far Sumi was winning.
Genya and Teiko surely underestimated her.

Right as they were in the middle of a match there was a knock at the door. Genya paused the game and gotten up immediately as if he knew who it was, he opened the door seeming to be talking to some. Before the person came in revealing Tokito, honestly Sanemi still had a suspicion they were dating, but he didn't want to mettle into his siblings love life's except if they asked of him to help with something.
Tokito and Genya sat on the carpet together while Genya played while Tokito watched.

Sanemi could see that Tokito had his hand on Genya's lower thigh. That proved his suspicion, they Had to be dating.


It had been around an hour since they arrived. And Giyuu was only sitting on Sanemi's lap with his head on his shoulder (he had woken up earlier to use the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep) while on his phone.

"Dinner is ready!" Shizu said from the kitchen.

Everyone got ready including Tokito.


While they were eating there was alot of talking going on everyone was talking except Giyuu and Tokito, Giyuu was picking at his food and taking occasional bites, while Tokito was quietly eating.

"So Giyuu what makes you join us today at dinner" Shizu said, the table got quieter only a few words were spoken, before it went completely silent..

Giyuu glanced at Sanemi for approval to say it yet, Sanemi have a slight nod before intervening his fingers with Giyuu's.
"me and Giyuu have an announcement we need to make" taking a sigh he put his and Giyuu's hand on the table revealing the engagement ring on Giyuu's hand, some of Sanemi's siblings got up from their seat to look at what everyone else was looking at. "We're getting married" Sanemi said.

Shizu gasped along with some of Sanemi's siblings "I saw the ring earlier" Tokito said blankly.

Sanemi could see the tears brimming in his mother's eyes as she stood up and walked over to Giyuu,  who stood up. She grabbed his hands in her own to look at the ring, some of the other siblings looking at it from behind her "wow nemi you really out done it" said one sibling "that looks like quadrillion dollars" said by one of Sanemi's youngest sibling. "It's beautiful, Giyuu thank you for making a difference in my son's life and teaching his the qualities of love" Shizu said as one tear dripped from her right eyes as she wiped it freeing a hand before placing it back.

"I wouldn't hope to show anything other then it to him, thank you for letting me marry your son Shizu" Giyuu got cut off by Shizu "Call me mom, please" Shizu smiled at him as he did the same. "Okay mom" Giyuu said. That would be the first excuse he'd have to ever say mom, cause both his parents grew sick when he was young and passed away a when Giyuu was around 12. So Giyuu really appreciated that Shizu would let him join the family.

"Well since that happened I have something to announce" Genya said "me and Tokito are together" everyone just seemed to look at them "we know Hun" Shizu said with a soft smile, "I saw them hold hands earlier, when Genya and Teiko was mad about me winning" Sumi said smiling brightly, while Genya blushed in embarrassment.


Thank you for reading this and sorry it took so long to write. I didn't have that many ideas. So once again thanks.

(⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃ hugs for anyone who wants one.

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