A Year Later

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The tattoo shop, Giyuu and Shinazugawa worked at eventually was rebuilt as a bigger place as it grown more famous for their designs, and their work. While Kana worked at Tsutako's cafe known as the 'blue lily', it represents the field that lied there before it was built. Kana quit her old job because of her bosses poor treatment to coworkers and how low their pay was.

Kanae and Tsutako came out to everyone about dating. While Sanemi and Giyuu did the same after about 3 months of dating. Kana was becoming more open to everyone after a few months of living there, although, she was mean to everyone who stepped in her way or deserved it and was very fast to attack someone as if it was planned, and she also had very fast instincts, and was very strong and fast for her 'small' and 'skinny' figure.
Kana got along well with Kanroji.
Kana was very strict when it came to her family and friends, or hurting them.

Giyuu and Sanemi grew closer to each other as they went along as a couple. Going on dates very often, and going to the mountain they first kissed at to watch the sunset and star watch every few weeks.

Along with Kanae and Tsutako they also went on dates every chance they got.

Kana was walking down her school hall going to class. She hasn't made much friends throughout the school, so she kinda did everything alone.

When she made it to class everyone was so loud but she just went to her desk by the window, hanging her bag on the side of it. "Oh my God! Can you shut up!" She yelled loudly to her class they seemed to get quiet and she mumbled a quick 'thank you' before they burst out laughing going back to what they were doing loudly. Her class took her as if she was a joke, and she hated it.

Just as the bell rang the teacher walked in and the class got quiet going to their desks only a few mumbles from classmates could be heard.

"Today we have a new student joining us" the teacher started "I want you guys to treat her with respect and kindness" the teacher seemed as if she wasn't joking but some of her classmates took it as a joke and there were a few muffled laughs.

"Ok you may come in" the teacher said as a girl with light brown skin and thick black medium length hair that covered her eyes walked in. She seemed to catch most of the boys attention along with few of the girls. "Hi my name is Deysha Peirce, I transferred here from America" she started off "I hope to become friends with all of you" she said "ok very nice go sit next to.. Tomioka" Kana raised her hand and she went and sat next to her.

The day was long and boring everyone was just so loud. They also had a project they had to write about themselves to their desk partners or whatever Kana wasn't listening to the teacher she only heard a few of the parts.

After school Kana walked to the library instead of getting on the bus. When she got in she was greeted by the librarian, as she came there often. She went to a certain area and picked out the book, 'different world' and went to sit a open table and read there, for about 30 minutes, before finishing the book. She got up to go put the book back were it was before, bam! Someone had ran into her and they both fell on the ground, "eek! I'm so sorry!" The girl shouted looking up "Tomioka-san?" The girl said as she looked at the girl "here let me help you!" She said picking up the book "no it's fine" "are you sure?" "Yeah it's not a big deal" Kana said to Deysha "atleast let me walk you home!" She said "fine do whatever" Kana said back to Deysha, Deysha picked up the book Kana dropped and handed it to her, Kana stood up and walked over to where she got it while Deysha followed her looking around "this Library looks nothing like the ones back in America!" Deysha said with a bright smile.

"Oh yeah what's it like in America?" Kana asked "well the library looks much smaller on the outside but Is huge on the outside, while here in Japan it's looks big on the outside and it is big on the inside and it's much more cramped and cozy in here." Deysha said elaborating.

When they left the library, they started walking to Kana's house. She hadn't told her where she lived but Deysha was kinda just going along with wherever she was going.

"So um how far is your house exactly?" Deysha said as they stopped "it's right there" Kana said "wow it's much bigger then where I live, all I can afford is an apartment for me and my little sister" Deysha said as they walked up to the stairs leading to the front door.

"Um I guess you can stay over a bit and I can ask my cousin to give you a ride home.. the nearest apartment complex is about 30 minutes away from here" Kana said as she walked up the stairs opening the door. "Oh um ok thanks!" Deysha said in her cheerfully way.

They made their way into the house as they walked into the living room Kana noticed Kanae and Tsutako sitting on the couch. "Hey Kana-San!" Kanae called out to her "Hi Kana!" "Hey Tsu, hi Kanae, I brought a friend over if you don't mind" Kana said to Tsutako "I don't mind at all" Tsutako said "I'll be in my room" Kana said to Tsutako and Kanae as they just nodded and went back to their conversation.

They walked upstairs to Kana's room. "Wow your room is so clean and organized!" Deysha said as they walked in "thanks" Kana said to Deysha showing a bit of her soft side

Kana sat down on her bed "you can sit down if you want to" Kana said while Deysha took a seat on her bed.

"So did you want to work on the project or whatever it was about?" Kana asked Deysha "um ok!" Deysha grabbed her bag and pulled out her laptop while Kana did the same.

"So what is the project about?" Kana asked Deysha "um I think our life stories or something" but we don't have to say it Infront of the whole class we just turn it in I guess" Deysha said explaining the best she could

Deysha and Kana ended up working almost the entire day until sunset.

"Well I think I should head home my sister is probably worried" Deysha said grabbing her school bag "I can ask my cousin to give you a ride. It's gonna get dark soon" Kana said "ok sure!" Deysha said in her usual bubbly mood. "Ok um you can go downstairs and I'll ask him" they walked out the room going two different ways making Deysha nervous to just walk around in her house. When she went downstairs Tsutako looked at her before smiling "Come sit!" Tsutako said patting next to her as Deysha walked to the couch and sat down next to Tsutako "You must be one of Kana's friends in her older cousin Tsutako Tomioka!" Tsutako said with a warm smile "I'm Deysha Peirce!" Deysha said introducing herself to Tsutako with a wide smile.

Kana walked downstairs next to Giyuu "he said he would take you home" Kana said to Deysha "okay" Deysha said standing up "It was nice meeting you Ms.Tomioka!" Deysha said "You too!" Tsutako said with the same happy energy. Giyuu grabbed his keys after putting on his shoes. Kana walked towards the door as Deysha followed her Giyuu not far behind them.

When they made it to the car Kana opened the door for Deysha getting in after her as Giyuu put his keys in the ignition, driving out of the drive way.

"How tall are you?" Kana asked "oh I'm 5'11" Deysha said "I get my height from my mom!" Deysha said.

When they got to her apartment complex

"Thank you for the ride!" Deysha said as she exited the car Kana felt her face warm up which honestly shocked her she's never felt this feeling before and her stomach felt weird her stomach felt jittery as if she had butterflies in her stomach.


Also shout out to; potatcuzynot

Shout out to them because they were the first to call out what I meant by 'Certain green t-shirt'

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