Dinner with a 'friend'

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Giyuu was sitting behind the desk drawing sketches, when Kocho came up to him and said " Tomioka-San did you hear that Were getting a New Co-Worker" Shinobu said with her usual smile.

' a New Co-Worker ' Giyuu thought to himself not answering Kocho, Kocho did her usual fake smile before walking away

The day went by super slow and they weren't busy at all so all Giyuu did was sketch a few things he liked or was requested.

When Giyuu's shift was over he got in his car and picked up his phone to see a notification. It was from Tsutako, 'hm what would she need?' Giyuu thought to himself before opening the text message. The text message said;

Delivered at 2:32pm

Tsu♡: A friend of mines is coming over for dinner just to let you know

Giyuu replied with an 'ok' before turning his phone off and driving off.
Giyuu's house was pretty far from where he worked. So he would be in the car for about 30 minutes before reaching his house.


When he got there he took his keys out the ignition and then he grabbed his bag with almost all the stuff he needed for work. He stepped out the car to see Tsutako was already there he figured that out because her car was in the drive way.

Their house wasn't small but wasn't big, it was a medium sized house but it was towards the bigger side of medium so like medium-large house.

When he opened the door, there was a sent of food that hit him, it smelt like Ginger. 'Mabye that's what Tsutako is making' Giyuu thought to himself. Giyuu was never a big fan of Ginger but still ate it. He'd only eat it if it was made by Tsutako or Shinobu.

As he made his way through the house he found his sister on the couch with someone else. The girl had black hair and two butterfly clips in her hair one on each side of her head.

'Hm.. it's Kocho's sister' Giyuu thought to himself "Hi Tsu" Giyuu said turning over to Tsutako. "Oh hey Giyuu, this is my Friend Kanae" 'definitely Kocho's sister' Giyuu thought. "I know, she's an older sister of a Friend of mine"  Giyuu said Looking at Kanae.

"Oh I didn't know you to already met" Tsutako said with the same smile inprinted on her lips.

After a few minutes of talking on the couch, Giyuu excused himself to his room, upstairs, to get changed out of his work clothes and to put away his work bag and other stuff.

When he came back downstairs food was already on the table as he suspected, Tsutako had made Ginger.
"Giyuu come take a seat!" Tsutako said with a wide smile on her face. She was sitting next to Kanae. She had a slight blush on her cheeks but Giyuu didn't seem to notice it.

When Giyuu took a bite it reminded him of when Kocho cooked Ginger just with more flavor. "This is good.. it's not your regular recipe.." Giyuu said looking at Tsutako from across the table. "Oh.. well I didnt cook it Kanae did" Tsutako said with the same smile as her blush spreaded a bit while looking at Kanae who just smiled. Still Giyuu didn't notice.


"Facetime me, ok?" Kanae said before opening the front door "ok I'll see you tomorrow morning!" Tsutako said yelling slightly as Kanae walked at the door. "Arigato for the meal again! And see you tomorrow!" Kanae shoughted back making sure the two heard her.

A few minutes after the ride Kanae had, had left Tsutako sat down on the couch and turned the tv on to a true horror documentary. Giyuu didn't understand why she liked it. He wasn't a big fan of horror movies not that he gets startled by them easily. He just didn't like how the main character acts, they all act the same and still somehow don't die, it makes him aggravated. He isn't easy to piss off but can get easily pissed off.

Tsutako sat with a blush on her face as she was dozed off from thought.

After a few hours when Tsutako's show was off they both went upstairs and went their separate ways to their room's.

Giyuu had taken a shower, brushed his teeth, and went into the bed in a tank top and some sweat pants.

He was scrolling through his messages when he saw a familiar name in his contacts. The name was ' Shinazugawa ' it's was the guy from some of his high school and middle school classes. If Giyuu's honest he liked him alot.. Just never had the guts to tell him, Hell he didnt even know if he was straight or not.

After a few hours of thinking and hearing Tsutako giggling over the phone he fell asleep.

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