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Today is Giyuu's day off of work which meant he could stay home.

When Giyuu woke up he was in some what of a good mood. I mean he kissed and had gotten together with his child hood crush. He had gotten up running his hands through his hair. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the water for it to warm up, he sat there on his phone for a few minutes waiting for the water to warm up, once it warmed up he got out of his clothes and got into the shower. He shampooed his hair conditioned it, and washed it out.

He got out the shower and got dressed, he wore a certain green patterned shirt with some black jeans.

He put his hair up into his regular messy ponytail and walked out of the bathroom sitting down on his bed, turning on his phone.

He got on tiktok and and started watching videos to past time. After a few minutes he got a phone call from Sanemi. He answered, "Hey Giyuu, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today" "oh um sure!" Giyuu said saying the first thing that came to mind. "What time?" Giyuu asked, "what about 12:30" Sanemi said, "sure I'm free, I'll see you then"  "ok I'll come to your house to pick you up, bye I love you" Sanemi said as Giyuu's heart fluttered. "I-I love you too, bye"  Giyuu said hanging up immediately, he fell down on his bed and covered his eyes, his face covered with a vibrant red. The words "I love you" replayed in his mind almost a thousand times, 'does he even mean it?" Giyuu thought to himself, he thought for a bit before a smile pressed onto his lips. His door swung open and revealed Tsutako, "Hey Giyuu I made breakfast for us, come down and eat when your ready ok" Tsutako said as Giyuu nodded "and also Kanae will be over today" Tsutako said as her cheeks went a light pink mentioning Kanae's name "ok" Giyuu said in his usual tone.

Once Tsutako left he sat up, a vibrant red still sitting on his cheeks. After a little bit he walked downstairs and into the kitchen. he sat down in one of the seats, Tsutako made pancakes and some bacon. After a few minutes he finished eating. He went and sat down on the couch next to Tsutako who was watching her regular murder documentary. He put in his headphones and plugged it into his phone, watching tiktoks. Eventually he got off his phone and started watching the murder documentary with Tsutako. After about an hour there was a ring on the door, Tsutako got up and answered the door coming back with Kanae. "Hello Tomioka-San!" Kanae said as she waved to him holding Tsutako's hand, he waved back to her eyes on their hands, before looking up at Tsutako.

His suspicion of them dating seemed to be going higher and higher. Hm? Oh well if they do they'll tell him when the time comes.

-one hour later-

Giyuu's been sitting on the couch on his phone  hearing Tsutako and Kanae have been talking and laughing.

There was a ring on the doorbell but Kanae and Tsutako didn't hear it of course they were to busy flirting

He got up and walked to the door, and opened it, it was Shinazugawa, he blushed a faint red thinking of his words from earlier.

"Hi dick head" Shinazugawa said to Giyuu noticing his faintly red cheeks "hey" Giyuu said with a small smile "are you gonna invite me in or what" Shinazugawa said " Oh uhm right" Giyuu said kinda panicked.

Giyuu stepped to the side and Shinazugawa walked in, Giyuu led him to the living room where Kanae and Tsutako were talking. They both sat down and talked for about 30 minutes before Kanae and Tsutako noticed them "Hi Shinazugawa-San!" Kanae said "Hi Kanae" Sanemi said "Hello Shinazugawa!!" Tsutako said "Hi Tsutako" Sanemi said kinda annoyed at the two black headed girls. "Tsu I'll be in my room with Sanemi" Giyuu said quickly dragging Shinazugawa upstairs without any warnings.

When they made it Sanemi sat down on his bed "what was that for shit head?" He said rubbing his wrist "so we wouldn't have to hear then flirt with each other" Giyuu said sorta in an energetic mood. "Wanna watch a movie?" Giyuu said pointing at his flat screen tv "sure.." Sanemi said still rubbing his wrist.

Giyuu grabbed his remote as Sanemi scooted up on the bed until he hit the bed frame. Giyuu switched on the TV going onto Netflix, handing Sanemi the remote hinting to choose a movie. He put on a horror movie. I might've lied when I said Giyuu wasn't scared of them but.. oh well onto the story. About 20 minutes into the movie there was a jump scare witch made Giyuu flinched and inched closer to Sanemi, after another 10-20 minutes there was another jump scare which made Giyuu jump onto his lap. Let's just say he stayed there the whole movie while Sanemi was a blushing mess.

After the movie ended Giyuu's face was in the crook of Sanemi's neck hiding his eyes from the screen, "it's over stupid" Sanemi said to Giyuu almost laughing at how scared he is "oh it is.." Giyuu said looking at the screen to see if he was lying or not. Which he wasn't.. but.. who knows. They started talking to each other Giyuu still in Sanemi's lap.. before their faces started inching towards each other closing the gap between their lips. Their soft pink lips moving slowly against each other's, Sanemi's hand went up to Giyuu's cheek as he licked his lips asking for an entrance, Giyuu parted lips letting Sanemi's tongue explore his mouth, they parted for a quick few seconds a string of drool following their faces being the only thing connecting them, before they went back to kissing sloppily, drool running down Giyuu's lips as Sanemi tongue swished drool around his mouth, as he explored his mouth insides. Right then the door swung open revealing Tsutako, she shrieked before slamming the door, as Giyuu scrambled off of Sanemi's lap, both a blushing mess.

After about 5 minutes Tsutako knocked on the door then opened it after a minute or two "I wanted to let you know that dinner was ready"  she said with an awkward smile.

I'm very sorry for not updating in a while but It's mainly because of school and and being busy, but I promise you that when I did get free time I've been doing reasonable things, I've been working on this but not many ideas were coming to mind, as my I wasn't very energized ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ. But I can't promise you I'll update more often but, Byeee have a nice day, and you too Nay (mitsuzui) as I know your reading this.

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