(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)生き地獄(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠-⁠☆

911 29 25

Giyuu woke up and rubbed his eye while sitting up, he grabbed some clothes for work, and walked to the bathroom and did his his regular routine (im to lazy so just whatever)

(When he got to work)

He walked in and went into the back to clock in, after he clocked in he went to the front desk and answered the few phone calls the got so frequently.

The day went by very slowly, at the end of the day he clocked out and went to his car. He put the key in the ignition and his phone dinged m he checked it and it was a text message from Tsutako;


Tsu♡: Giyuu do you remember Kana?
Sent at  2:45

Yeah why?

Tsu♡: She's coming to stay with us!
Just now



Giyuu was somewhat happy he hasn't seen Kana in over 10 years the last time he saw her she were 6 and he were 12, they were somewhat best friends. From what he heard she changed a lot.

After about 30 minutes he made it home, when he opened the door he got a whip of the smell of food, it smelt like Chuka Soba Tomita 'maybe that's what Tsutako is cooking' Giyuu thought

He walked through the hall and into the living room and saw Tsutako on the couch eating ice cream with Kanae.

"Hi Tomioka-san!" Kanae said noticing him, "hi Giyuu!" Tsutako said in her usual happy tone "hi" Giyuu said in "Kana should be getting off the bus soon!" Tsutako said in an excited tone.

Right then there was a sound of a bus stopping, after a minute or two, there was a knock at the door, Giyuu went to go get it and it was (the one and only) Kana, her hair had got longer, she looked a little tired, but there was a slightly forced smile on her face.

"Hi" she said awkwardly "hi" the tension between the two was growing but quickly cut off by Tsutako "hi Kana!" she said hugging her
"Hi Tsutako" Kana said still with her slightly forced smile.

They spent the day basically catching up with each other and  Kana was introduced to Kanae. Kana had mentioned how she almost got into a fight with a boy that kept hitting her throughout first period.

She also mentioned how she had an interview that was scheduled back when she lived at her old house, before she moved it was two weeks from then.

The rest of the day they spent unpacking Kana's stuff into her new room that was originally the guest bedroom.

Some pictures of her and her mom that she had on the desk beside the bed.

Giyuu and Kana decided to take the time they had when the finished her room to watch a movie before dinner.

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