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It's been a couple more weeks of Sanemi planning, and it's been going well.

Sanemi called Giyuu a few hours back to meet up, so he could do as he planned.
His heart practically beat out of his chest as he, drove to the now mountain he called 'the mountain of love' . He was so nervous, he would say no, but at the same time he knew he wouldn't, from what he heard from Kocho, Giyuu's liked him since middle school basically, they met in elementary school but it was only in the 4th grade, and Giyuu had probably forgot by now, Sanemi was a somewhat asshole to him then. But he's changed as he matured still has a low Temper, but Giyuu clearly didn't mind that by now.

Sanemi loved every inch of Giyuu's body, he loved him for his blant personality, it made things that didn't seem funny, funny. Which was weird because around other people he didn't show much of his real personality. Even with his real personality, he was just as nice, and didn't seem as much as an asshole as people would explain him as.

Sanemi, felt he was doing something good for their relationship that seems to grow each minute their with eachother.

Before he knew it he was already there.

When he made it up, the mountain right above the beach, he saw Giyuu, he had his hair down he was at the edge of the cliff looking at the sun that was, just now starting to set, he walked up to him, standing next to him. "It's beautiful isn't it" Sanemi said admiring the shine in Giyuu's eyes as he watched the sun set.

"It is" Giyuu said followed with a soft smile, he was gorgeous, how could anyone hate him, his eyes were as blue as the sky, that stood above them and the water that stood below them. Sanemi may be color blind (cannon) and could see only a few colors but out of the colors be could see Blue was the clearest one to him. Out of all the colors in the rainbow and all the other colors created by the colors of the rainbow.

It was like fate

Sanemi loved that about himself being able to see the eye color of the one person he loved most.

In a blink of an eye he could see the grey and black shades of the sunset. As if they were in an ancient tv show. That's how Sanemi has to see the world almost his whole life, since an incident.

Before he knew it the sun was gone and replaced by the bright full moon. Neither him or Giyuu muttered a word. Only a few comments. Sanemi turned to Giyuu playing with the box inside of his pocket as he got ready to grab it. He grabbed Giyuu's hand, before opening his mouth "Giyuu Tomioka, you are the most beautiful and majestic man I've ever seen, your eyes are beautiful, I believe the same with the rest of your body head from your toe." Sanemi said taking a deep breath still holding Giyuu's hands as he crouched down onto one knee, "Giyuu Tomioka, will you marry me?" Sanemi asked taking out the box from his pocket opening it. one feeling in his stomach left, only to return with a new ones.

Giyuu looked shocked as he store at the white haired man. But that shock quickly turned into a smile, he resembled his sister in that way. He opened his mouth to reply to him "Yes I will marry you" He said in a calm but excited tone. Sanemi smiled as he slid the ring onto, Giyuu's finger, standing up as he did so. When he stood up latched onto him hugging him before pulling away, as Sanemi pulled the two into a slow and passionate kiss that lasted only a few seconds.

When they pulled away the only thing left on each other's face was their smile. The moon seemed to make a spot light on them, as they stood there holding eachother while smiling, looking into the other's eyes.


I'm sorry this wasn't the best, or very long, but I hope you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful rest of your, day or night. Make sure to stay hydrated.

Thank you for reading this.
(⁠。⁠・‿・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

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