what is 'love' +confession

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A month .later

It was currently the weekend which meant Giyuu or Tsutako had work which meant Kana didn't have work nor school.

Kana and Deysha got closer each day and the closer they got the more Kana would feel warm inside when around her. Kana couldn't help but think about her every chance she got. This was a new feeling she's never felt this way about anyone. She's never felt her face heat up like this only when embarrassed but this was different feeling.

So to sort this out she went to Tsutako who was talking to Kanae, she sat down next to them "Um Tsu I need you to help me with something" Kana said slightly embarrassed "Of course what is it?" "What does it mean when you feel weird around someone like butterflies in your stomach weird" Kana said as that burning sensation came back to her face "your in love!" Kanae said answering for Tsutako "let me guess Deysha?" Tsutako said as Kana just nodded "thank you for the help Tsutako and Kanae" Kana said getting up "your welcome!" "No problem!" they both said in their usual cherish voice as Kana walked upstairs.


Giyuu was in his room with Sanemi when Kana walked in "hey Yuu I have a question" "yes?" "Uhm how did you find out you were gay?" Giyuu paused to think for a minute "well when I was in middle school I was more attracted to guys then women so I guess I just went from there" "thank you yuu!" Kana said quickly before running out of the room "that was the nicest she's ever been around me" Sanemi said rolling his eyes.

--------------time skip to a few weeks later-----------

Deysha was in her living when her little sister Diasha (Die-Aye-shuh) walked in, her sister has long black hair that curled at the end, light brown skin. She's was a freshmen, she was usually out with her friends so she's never really home.

"Hey deysh" she said as she walked in "welcome home Asha" they both had nicknames for each other that they made up as kids and we're usually called in school back in America.

"Sis I wanted to ask you a question" "yeah?" "I wanted to know if I could go with one of my friends to a concert" She started "yeah sure why not" Deysha answered "but the thing is is it's a date and I don't have any clothes to wear, can I wear some of yours?" "Yeah, go ahead and pick something out, I rarely dress up anyway" Deysha was prone to saying yes to the things her younger sister needed or wanted.

As her sister walked down the hall into Deysha's room, Kana texted her.


uhm hey do you wanna meet up

Sure where?

I'll send you the location

Deysha couldn't help but be excited to see her she was always excited around her and her stomach felt fluttery, she grabbed her bag and walked down the hall "Aysha I'm gonna be at a Friend's house are you ok with staying home for a bit" "okay, and sis can I wear this dress?" "Of course it'll look great on you" Deysha said before leaving.


After a few weeks of confirming her love for Deysha, she decided to ask her out she was gonna go to the small hill on above the beach, Giyuu said that's where he and Sanemi got together so maybe she would have luck.

She was gonna ask Kanroji for a ride she was already embarrassed enough with talking to Giyuu and Tsutako about it.

She dialed Kanroji's number and as it rang she just became more anxious about asking before Kanroji picked up the phone. "Hey Kana do you need anything!" Kanroji said with her loud and bubbly mood. "Uhm yeah I was wondering if you could drop me off somewhere?" Kana asked, "ofcourse, I'll be there in ten send me the location!" Kanroji said Kana heard a quick 'love you bye' before the phone hung up.

Kanroji lived the closest to the house that's why she called her.

She heard a honk outside assuming it was Kanroji although she had just called her so she was a bit confused on how she was already there.

She walked downstairs putting her shoes on grabbing her bag. She walked outside to she Kanroji practically vibrating in her seat, she got in the car being greeting by Kanroji "hello Kana-San!" Kanroji said "Kanae called me about your crush!" Kanroji said she she smiled wider and Kana just blushed.

"The location is ________ beach" Kana said as she store out the window, as they backed out of the driveway.

------------------when they get there----------------------

She arrived there getting out of the car before thanking Kanroji. She went to the spot under the Sakura tree waiting for Deysha to arrive, her hair blowing in the wind, as she stood above the beach as the ledge of the hill. She heard soft foot steps next to her and looked over to see Deysha smiling looking in the direction of the beach. Deysha looked over at her with the same smile she had before, making Kana blush. "What did you want to meet up for?" Kana blushed a brighter red. "Maybe we could just hang out" Kana said "sure".

They spent a few hours talking about things, "you know" Kana started "I've never seen your eyes before" Deysha started to think before replying "I don't think I've ever showed anyone my eye color here yet" Deysha thought "but I'd like for you to be the first person I show" Deysha said before lifting her bangs, revealing one green eye and a blue eye, but for Kana this just made her more beautiful, Deysha smiled.

"Your eyes are beautiful" Kana said with a smile, "and, so is your smile", before they knew it they were getting closer to each other. Their faces inches apart before the gap in-between them closed, their lips connecting.

The kiss was passionate, and long. They pulled apart slowly from each other. Kana sighed at this with a bright red blush that sat on both hers and Deysha's face, Kana took Deysha's hand in her own and looked up at Deysha meeting her eyes.

"Deysha, the real reason I called you here is because.. because I wanted to confess to you, everything you do I love about you, I love your eyes, the way you walk, the way you talk, when you smile, when you look at me, your hair, and you showing me your eyes, just gives me more things to love about you. Deysha.. I've fallen in love with you" Kana said in a quick gamble, not even listening to what she's saying as she lets her heart talk for her, Deysha looked shocked but her shockness was followed by a warm and loving smile, before she knew it their lips were smashed together once again, their lips moved at the same pace as their lips were collided, before Deysha broke the kiss, "Kana, I love you too" Deysha said. They both had smiles on their face. "Kana will you go out with me" Deysha said


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