A Crush

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When Giyuu woke up, his alarm was going off, he turned it off and laid in bed for a good five minutes trying to wake himself up. He sat up, and ran his hand through his hair with a sigh, he got up out of his bed and went into the bathroom and took a shower, and got dressed into his work clothes.

He walked downstairs, to see the tv still on, he turned it off, before grabbing his keys and opening the front door, Tsutako's car wasnt there so he assumed she was at work. She owns a small coffee shop, it may not be big but it's a good size, and it has good business, it has a 4 star rating.

He opened his car door and got into the car while shutting the door, and put his keys into the ignition. He pulled out the drive way, and headed to work.

When he got there he went inside to see Kocho talking to someone. He walked into the back room (I swear if I see a backrooms joke) and saw.. him. The guy he had a crush on in middle school and High school.

Giyuu blushed slightly before walking over to Kocho to clock in. After he clocked in he stayed in the back for a few minutes talking to Shinazugawa with a blush. He could tell Shinazugawa noticed, just didnt say anything. Shinazugawa had that same blush since Giyuu's partly dumb, (but I still love em) Giyuu didn't notice.

After a few hours of work Giyuu was about to leave before, Shinazugawa walked up to him "Oi Tomioka" Shinazugawa said grabbing Giyuu's shoulder "yes?" Giyuu said with a confused look "We should stay in contact do you still have my number?"
"Ok text me when you get home"
Giyuu blushed slightly as he nodded.

When Giyuu got home all he could think about was Shinazugawa, the only thing on his mind was 'text me when you get home' it just kinda replayed in his mind over and over again. He opened the door to see, Tsutako on the phone with Kocho's older sister, and yet Giyuu still thought nothing of it, "Hey Tsu" Giyuu said "Oh.. hi Yuu!" Tsutako said with a smile.

Giyuu walked upstairs to his room and changed out of his work clothes. He wore a green patterned t-shirt and some shorts.

He went on his phone and scrolled through his contacts before finding Shinazugawa's name and opening it. Instead of texting him he face timed him.

It rung three times before he answered.

"Genya stop eating all the fucking tooth paste! This is the third one this week damnit! Hey Tomioka" Giyuu was slightly taken back but still replied "Hi Shinazugawa"

"...What were you yelling at Genya for.."
"Oh he keeps eating all the tooth paste, and his little friend is over some I'm trying to embarrass him"

"Oh.." Giyuu laughed a bit "You should laugh more it suits you" Giyuu blushed a bit more 'suits me..' Giyuu thought to himself "I guess I'll try".

That was one of Giyuu's new goals try to laugh more.. for Shinazugawa.

Giyuu and Shinazugawa talked for a few hours. They ended up falling asleep on the phone together.

Giyuu didn't even have time to take a shower.

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