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Giyuu was helping Tsutako decorate the tree with Kana.

They had a pretty white tree. with gold and pink ornaments.

They got to the last part, they let Kana put the tree topper up though. They had a white angel as their tree topper. 

       -------------A few days later------------

There were a lot of presents under the Christmas tree, they were decorated with a wrapping paper that said merry Christmas, others with a wrapping paper that had hohoho on it.

there were a few that were in bags and a few that stood out due to being bigger.

it was about 5 in the morning, and they were in the living room opening presents. The first gift opened was to Kana, from Deysha. It was heavy and the box was big, not that big but you know, Kana opened it and there was a weighted stuffed animal in it. It was a pink dinosaur that had Kana's name on the ear of it. 

"Deysha asked me to put that under the tree for her since she won't be here for Christmas." Giyuu spoke. It was Giyuu's turn to open a present. It was a present from Sanemi. The last time Giyuu saw Sanemi, Sanemi had put the gift there. Giyuu opened it and it was a blanket, the Blanket had Giyuu's name all over it. The blanket was grey, and his name was blue in some areas and white in others.

They opened gifts for a while, Tsutako got a pretty bow from Giyuu, because her other one was on its last few strands.

------------------On new year's------------------

All the girls who were chosen for the festival to represent the school were getting their makeup done, their hair done or being fitted for their kimono. Kana was getting her hair done currently. Deysha was getting her hair done, Kinen was getting her make up done and so was tsuyuri and Kogu was getting fitted. 

After they were all done getting their hair done they had to take place outside where a lot of people were gathering waiting for it to hit 12am.

Kana was standing next to Tsuyuri, they all had a grey kimono, with different colored flowers.They were all instructed to do poses, as they had pictures taken of them. They were In front of an open venue with no one behind them, so as the fireworks started to go off they had their last picture taken Infront of  the fireworks

Kana's hair had come undone from the bun it was in, right as the fireworks went off, so her hair was blowing in the wind as the picture was taken.

There was cheering around them as the fireworks went off, as they symbolized the new year.

Right after that The girls were allowed to roam free for 30 minutes, before they had to go return their clothing items.

Deysha and Kana went to find Giyuu and Sanemi, but found them kissing on a seat on the beach. So they went to find Tsutako and Kanae and the rest of Kanae's sisters.


Giyuu and Sanemi sat on a swing on the beach, waiting for it to hit 12am. Giyuu leaned onto Sanemi.

Sanemi grabbed onto Giyuu's hand, rough on soft.

The sleeve of Giyuu's Kimono lifted due to the wind. There were a whole bunch of scars, on Giyuu's arm, some over lapped each other and others stood alone.  Sanemi traced his scars with his thumb. Sanemi kissed one of his scars, then another, and another.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about those Nemi" Giyuu whispered. It's fine Giyuu you're still beautiful.." Sanemi whispered back, placing a hand on Giyuu's cheek, closing the gap between the two right as the fireworks went off.

They heard noise around them but ignored it..

"So beautiful" Sanemi whispered in-between a kiss.

Eventually they parted, and Giyuu put his head on Sanemi's shoulder, as he continued to hold Giyuu's hand.

"I love you so much Nemi" "I love you more"

"You wish."


Hello everyone. It's been a while, I know, I meant to have the Christmas part out on Christmas, but that backfired cause I had no motivation. And also my phone hasn't been working, since about a week prior to Christmas, after I beat it it started working. The next chapter won't be until Giyuu's birthday, February 8th! But I hope you guys had a good Christmas! And a happy new year's!! Love you guys bye!!!!

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