Chapter 3

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Immediately upon waking up, Michelangelo registered something warm pressed into his side and he was lying on something comfy. Opening his eyes, the young turtle was met by a blue ceiling, looking down he saw Donatello pressed against him. “Donnie?” the purple turtle murmured something about science that was unclear to the prankster who smirked. One Mikey was scared, he had no clue where they were and looking around the room he noticed Leonardo asleep on what looked like a sofa. Where was Raph!? Mikey’s brain was going mad so he forcefully sat up waking the scientist, who extracted himself from his brother and looked around in confusion. “Leo!”. Out of instinct, the blue turtle snapped up reaching for his swords only to gasp when they weren’t there. “Mikey. Donnie. What’s going on?” Leo asked, looking around the room in confusion until a sudden realisation that there was a certain turtle missing from their group. “Where’s Raph?” Leo’s question broke through Donnie’s tiredness, waking the purple turtle up quicker than one could say ‘coffee’. 

The door to the room opened all of a sudden, the three brothers huddled close together with the oldest in the front holding the nearest object which turned out to be a lamp. A hooded figure stood in the doorway, “Who are you?” Leonardo’s question was met by silence. “Come with me, there isn’t much time”, the figure spoke with a gentle tone. The three turtles exchanged glances before following the hooded figure down a few corridors. They were directed into a room before the door was shut loudly behind them. The lights turned on quickly assaulting their eyes. Leonardo’s eyes scoured the room, he gasped when his hands landed on a certain red turtle asleep on a bed in front of them but he wasn’t the only one in the room. “Casey! April! Sensei!” Donnie cried out running towards the three currently chained up in the corner. Mikey ran to help while Leo checked on his unconscious mate. 

“Uh Leo?” Mikey's quivering tone made the blue turtle look up to see Mikey pointing at the symbol on the wall. It was the same symbol from the cloth Pigeon Pete had recovered. “Donnie?” April's quiet voice filled the room as she, Casey and Master Splinter woke up. “What happened?” “I feel like I got hit by a bus”, Donnie opted to ignore Casey's statement while turning to his father who explained, “Once you left. Something infiltrated the lair and pink gas started to filter through the vents. We did our best to fight but the smoke paralyzed our bodies. We then woke up here. I fear we are in grave danger if we stay any longer. Donatello''. The purple turtle nodded while helping the three of them out of their chains, Mikey smiled helping Casey to his feet, the hockey player pleased with the help. 

“Raph?” Leo whispered, shaking his mate slightly, gaining a whimper from the turtle. Footsteps to the right made Leo look up to see Donnie and Mikey coming up to the bed while the others opted to hang back. Leaning down to Raph’s ear, Leo whispered his name again. The three turtles watched as green eyes slid open slowly revealing exhausted eyes. Leo smiled down at his mate who groaned as the light assaulted his eyes. “Whts oin on?” Although muffled Leonardo shook his head listening to the words, “Raph? We don’t know. But there is a symbol on the wall” Mikey tried to explain but Raph picked up on the nerves in Mikey’s tone. Lifting himself slightly to move into a sitting position, Raph took one look at the symbol and groaned loudly before slumping back into the bed. “Fuck!”. 

All heads turned to Raph’s out-burst. “I’m sorry, this is my fault! Fuck!”. Leo rubbed his mate’s shoulders, pulling Raph close into his plastron while rubbing the red turtle's shell. “Raphael, what do you mean? This is your fault” Splinter asked whether it was curiosity or anger, Raph didn’t really care. At the moment he just felt safe in Leo’s arms and nothing would change that. Splinter gritted his teeth, Raphael always knew how to push Splinter’s buttons. But, what Sensei couldn’t see or feel was how exhausted Raphael was. Leo could feel Raph’s body beginning to relax in his hold. “Uhh Leo?” Turning to face Donnie, Leo raised an eyebrow. “Raph’s been drugged with something, keep him awake”. Upon Donnie’s instructions, Leo did just that. He shook Raph awake, earning himself a grumpy glare. “Raph, please can you answer Sensei’s question?” Leo asked his mate while keeping him awake. Grunting Raph turned to face the rest of the room while remaining in Leo’s arms, “Welcome to the Crux Clan sworn enemies of the Claw Clan”, the others looked inquisitive at the red turtle who groaned, “I am part of the Claw Clan, my father is the leader making me, the…” “The heir!” Casey guessed, April face-palmed at her friend’s smile. Raph glared at his best-friend who held his hands up in surrender. “How? You have lived under my house for years” Splinter asked, stepping forward slightly. “I don’t think you will remember this but rat. You did kick me out when I was barely 10 and I spent five years away from home. I got ‘adopted’ by my father and invited into the clan. My father couldn’t have children so he took me under his wing. Until one night when the clan were attacked by those who were thought to be allies. My father made sure I was safe before he led the Crux Clan away from me. Only few exist of the Claw Clan. I am the only surviving youngster. He left me down in the sewers where he found me wandering with a bag. I made sure I looked to have been in a fight and that's when I bumped into Leo who was training. He led me back ‘home’ and then I’ve been at the lair ever since”. 

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