Chapter 19

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(Warning: Brief mention of still-born - end of chapter)

Liam let out a gasp something was calling him, he could almost feel his spirit being pulled from his chest. 


A startled gasp left his mouth alerting Aria who was beside him, “Liam, you alright?” she asked. Liam could only shake his head, he turned to make a sign when Savanti suddenly appeared in front of him and shoved him off his horse. 

“I will kill Raphael and there is nothing you can do about it” he then used his powers to throw Liam off a nearby cliff. Liam thought he was done for until someone grabbed him at the last second revealing to be Akio. The purple armoured man pulled him only to turn to meet the boot of Savanti. 

Akio went down hard alerting Ikkou who swapped with Michael who sped the carriage up. Ikkou landed beside Akio knocking Savanti back only for the time-lord to attack the twins, at one point Ikkou was shoved out of the way of a blast which connected with Akio’s head. The younger twin dropped to the ground pressing his palms to his bandaged eyes and let out a silent scream. Ikkou screamed in fury, changing forms into a fox confusing the hell out of savanti as the man knocked Savanti back away from them to the point Aria could trip him up leading him to fall down the cliff’s edge. 

Once deemed safe, Ikkou scrambled for Akio who had yet to move. Don scrambled over only to gasp, the purple eyes staring back at him were faded and bloody in colour. Ikkou grabbed a spare bandage helping Don clean Akio’s eyes, the younger twin was clearly blind and a skilled warrior. 


Liam’s head snapped west, he groaned climbing to his feet. He could hear his mate crying out for him over their spiritual bond that he had yet to understand. 

“Liam! The village is on fire! Our time is up!” Don cried out, Ikkou looked up in shock. He carried his brother on his back as they sprinted for the village, Ikkou ran ahead with Akio who had woken up but was being pulled along by his brother’s hand. Michael suddenly appeared in front of Aria, Don and Liam. “Guys! We have to help!” 

“Mikey, we can’t if we do…” Don wasn’t able to finish as they all ducked behind a house to see Hamato Yoshi run out of a nearby house with an unconscious three year old Raphael in his arms. 

“Don! What’s happening!” Mikey cried out just as the four of them vanished in front of each other only to reappear in what looked like the lair with multiple faces staring down at them.





As soon as their names were called out, they snapped awake. Leo took a bit longer but with the help from Slash he was on his feet. Looking around the lair, Don could only frown taking in them all: Splinter, Saki, Tigerclaw, Alopex, April, Casey, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Pete, Rockwell, Bishop, Ikkou and Akio. 

“My children, you have been gone far too long,” Splinter called out, wrapping Michaelangelo and Miwa up in his arms. Don smiled until he registered what his father had said. 

“How long, sensei?” 

All attention turned to the rat who looked off to the side, “Guys, you have been gone for a whole month” April answered, looking at Leo whose eyes could only widen. 

“Where’s Raph?” Leo’s question was met with silence. 

“Leonardo, my son. He’s…” Splinter couldn’t finish his sentence.

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